Chapter 12

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" I am sorry you had to hear that" Susan exclaim. " it's ok Susan I know what happened and I know that David loves you and won't cheat on you. A kiss is cheating but it didn't mean anything I know trust me if it did he won't be here with you" I said she looked at me and sad nod " your right I should talk to David and see what is wrong and why he did what he did" she stood up and hugged me one more time and walked outside to talk to David. I went back to the kitchen to see breakfast was already made I grab some fruits and bacon and some waffles. I sat at the table and ate breakfast. My phone ringed and it was my sister I picked it up " hello" the line was silent than she spoke " hello sis" God I hate when she acts like everything with use is ok and  good. " what do you want mia" I said with an annoyance in my voice " I know you hate me but I am getting married and I just wanted to know if you want to come to my pre-wedding dinner everyone misses you and want to see you" she said " I can't" I said " you can't or you won't" she said she sounded angry " I seriously can't because I am not in New York right now I won't be back till next week" I spoke up " wait really where are you" here we go again " stop making small talk we are not that close anymore" she sighed" I know but I will love to know where my sister at" God why " I am in California with my boyfriend and his family" she gasps and screams " omg my older sister has a boyfriend after all these years" I rolled my eyes and sigh " will we get to meet him" she asked " yes he's coming to the wedding as my plus one" I said " bae, bae where are you" Adrian yelled " I am in the kitchen" I yelled back " he ran in the kitchen and kissed me. " what do you say we go for that round two" he whispered in my hear next to the phone. " how about y'all do round two after I get off the phone" my sister yelled thru the phone. Adrian looked at me weird " who are you on the phone with" he said while sitting next to me " my evil sister" I said she laughed " I will talk to you later Lisa have fun" she hung up I put my phone on the table and look at Adrian he smiled at me. " what do you want to do today" he asked " how about we go see the town" I said he grabs my hands and we walked Outside everyone was outside there were cars outside. " where are we going" I asked him while looking at Adrian. " we are going on a yacht" omg I never been on a yacht before. " wait I didn't get my swimsuits" I said " you don't need to Lauren and you are going to stop and get new swimsuit" I smiled and went into the car a few minutes later we stop at an open mall and me and Lauran got out and walked into the store we went thru all the swimsuits and finally decided on one. After we check out we got out of the store. My phone ring and I look took it out I was looking at it when I bump into a hard chest I look up and I was face to face with my high school crush josh. I looked at him and his face lit up he hugged me and I hugged him back. " omg josh what are you doing here" I said smiling up at him. " I could ask you the same but I am here with some friends why are you here" I looked at Lauren who was looking at me weird with a smirk on her face. " oh umm I am here with my boyfriend and his family" his face fell " oh" that's all he said I looked up and Adrian was walking towards use. He pulled my hands and I slammed into his chest. Josh's mouth fell open a little and look at me I shrug a little. " its good to see you Lisa I got to go" he said and walked off. Liya and I have been texting each other talking about my relationship with Adrian she was shocked at first then she was happy about it. Adrian didn't really talk to me the car ride to the yacht was quite I didn't want to ask him what's wrong because I knew he was jealous that i hugged josh after he told me not to touch any man. When we got to the yacht everyone got on but me and him when I tried to get from out of the car he pulled me back and close the door. " why did you hug him after I told you not to touch any man" he yelled " I am not a product or a pet and josh is my best friend he was there for me doing my hard times" Adrian looked at me and open the door he slammed the door and walked off in the yacht I follow shortly after. A few moments later it was moving there was room for everyone to get there own room because we were spending the night on the yacht. I looked everywhere for Adrian but couldn't find him. What did he jump from off the yacht or something? I went to find Lauren to ask her where Adrian was. " hey Lauran where is your brother he's avoiding me" she laughs and pointed at the edge of the yacht and there he was shirtless and sexy as always. I walked toward him but he jumped in the water I ran to the edge of the boat to not find him " Adrian" I called out to him in the water but he was nowhere to be found " Adrian this is not funny I know you're mad but don't kill your self. "Adrian, Adrian" I yelled still no answer I started to feel the tears coming I ran to Lauren and started panicking " Adrian jump in the water and when I went to call him he didn't come back up omg he's dead omg omg" I started crying Lauren looked at me confused " Adrian can't be dead he knows how to swim," she said while holding me. " bae are you ok" I turned around to see Adrian looking at me with a worried expression on his face he came to me and pulled me to him. " I thought you were dead you jump in the water and didn't come back up" I said while resting my face on his chest. " you were crying  for me neonata" he said while lifting my chin up to face him he put a sweet kiss on my lips. " what's the meaning of neonata" I said " before I tell you I have to punish you for hugging another guy"

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