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─────⊰ ✦.*🥀*.✦ ⊱─────

   𝐈 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐌𝐘 𝐒𝐄𝐌𝐈-𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐆𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 school breakfast to the table and sit down. Adam, Bree, Chase (and Leo) have not shown up yet to my disappointment. I usually already enjoy school, but for some reason they make it even better. I guess I don't feel as alone anymore as I did before I met them.

'Are you sure you don't want to become a cheerleader, Addilynn?' Stephanie asks. Her bright-blond hair is as much personality as that girl has, which is likely why she's the head cheerleader. She has been trying to get me on the team from day one, despite my several attempts at shutting her down. She just won't take "no" for an answer and it's started to drive me insane.

'A hundred percent sure,' I reply slightly annoyed and with a subtle eye-roll. The only reason I sit at this table is because it is the only steady table in this entire cafeteria and I usually am writing while trying to swallow down the food that is served. I don't care for the cheerleaders or the jocks. I ignore them most times, yet they let me sit with them. I think they were getting tired of telling me to sit elsewhere and it was the perfect opportunity for Stephanie to berate me about cheerleading and why I should join.

A loud thump gets my attention and when I turn around, I see one of the teachers laying on the ground with Bree, Chase and Leo standing next to him.

'Oranges look like eyes. Look!' I hear a familiar voice on my right. Adam is sitting in-between two cheerleaders with two oranges before his eyes, causing me to chuckle.

Chase sits down at the table right in front of me and Leo and Bree stand next to him. Leo keeps whispering something to Chase, while also trying to talk to another cheerleader. They don't seem to have noticed me so far. I suppose I don't make an entrance as flamboyant as they do.

Loud chatter enters the hall and I dread the people that are responsible for it. I start to peel one of the oranges that Adam put back onto the table and watch as the whole football team is standing near our table.

Leo is quick to leave, but Adam and Chase stay seated.

Trent, who is the captain of the football team, pulls Chase up by his collar and begins to scream in his face that he has to leave. I've always hated Trent with a burning passion. He thinks he's so much better than everyone else just because he can throw a ball around.

I was about to get up, when something in Chase seemed to change. His voice gets a few octaves lower, his eyes turn from its natural hazel-brown to hollow pools of darkness. After one swift move—one which went way too quick for me to comprehend what was even happening—Trent's head is on the table, held steadily by Chase.

'Think again, puffy face. I'll rip out your kneecaps and use them as hockey pucks,' Chase booms over all the noise of the canteen and my eyes go wide in shock of the change in his personality. I know that I've only known him for like a day, but I did not see that coming.

Adam quickly, but clumsily makes his way to Bree and Leo. He slips over the gymnasium floor, clinging for dear life onto every possible chair and eventually coming to a halt a few feet behind me. 'I don't want to alarm anyone, but I think Spike's back.'

Spike? The name would fit a dog more than a human, I would say. Maybe Chase has multiple personalities. That's not that uncommon. My eyes find their way back to Chase, who splashes chocolate pudding over the entire football team and growls into their faces. Well, perhaps it's his dog-like personality. . .

The team runs out of the canteen and Chase triumphantly sits back down. Or should I say Spike?

I discreetly pack my bag and rush out of there into the hallway. I stop at my locker and take a deep breath. I'm starting to think that there's a lot more to those new arrivals than I thought. With a high-pitched screech, my locker opens and I pack my bag for my morning classes.

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