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   𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐀𝐒 quickly as it had gone again and the chilly breeze of winter had greeted us. Most trees had shed their colourful leaves which crumbled into pieces on the cold ground. Everything was covered in a thin layer of snow, making it seem brighter than before. The sky was stark blue, though it was partially hiding behind the fluffy clouds.

As the world around Mission Creek High had turned into a winter wonderland, so had the inside of the school. The annual dance was the talk of the school and no one could stop whispering about it. Who was taking who? Who still didn't have a date? What were they going to wear?

Someone that wasn't all too excited for the dance was Bree. She'd been trying forever to get a boy to ask her to the dance, but he didn't seem to notice her at all. This led to slight frustrations. Well, she'd say they were slight.

'Tell me again who you want to take you to the dance?' I ask as we walk down the stairs towards our lockers.

'His name is Ethan,' she says dreamily. She leans against the locker that's located next to mine and let out a sigh. 'He sits next to me in chemistry. He's so cute and he smells really good. That's rare to find in a guy.'

I chuckle at Bree's comments on Ethan. She likes someone so easily, the usual requirements are being cute and smelling nice. When I take my English book out of my locker, I can hear familiar voices approaching us. I turn my head slightly to see Adam, Chase and Leo coming our way. 'So how are you going to—'

My sentence dies as my hair flies in front of my face, blocking my sight from everything. I brush everything back into place with my fingers and close my locker. Before I say anything, I notice that I'm suddenly all alone. Bree is no longer standing next to me and the guys are gone too.

I notice Ethan standing only a few feet away from me with a confused frown edged in his forehead. We exchange silent glances that are filled with questions that neither of us could answer. We don't speak as we uncomfortably go to our next classes.

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   𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐀 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐏𝐋𝐄 𝐎𝐅 classes, I walk towards the cafeteria for lunch, only to see that Adam is beneath some lockers and Leo just pushed some guys away who wanted to help. Chase is standing in the corner with a proud smile on his face. What in the world is wrong with them?

A girl walks out of the cafeteria and it takes me a second to realise who it is. Her honey blonde and dark blue eyes resemble my features, though hers seems to have dulled over the years. Danielle sees Adam being trapped underneath the lockers and gasps in shock.

I am beyond glad that Leo didn't audition for the play. He's the lousiest actor I have ever seen, not even trying his best to act genuinely shocked when he sees Adam. Speaking of Adam, he doesn't even look like he's in pain. He's relaxed, even playing games on his phone instead, not really bothered by the weight of the lockers.

Leo "heroically" lifts up the lockers and Adam is finally released, but when Danielle shows interest in Adam, Leo seems frustrated. I walk over to the lockers and knock on it. These are real lockers. How on Earth were Leo and Adam able to lift these up? Because, no offense to Leo, but he does not seem strong whatsoever. Just the other day, he tried to attack Chase by climbing all over him and Chase didn't move an inch. Besides, how is Adam not hurt?

Chase walks back over to Adam and Leo and they seem to be in a heated discussion. I roll my eyes and want to walk into the cafeteria when I'm stopped by Bree. Where she came from, I wouldn't know, but she looks like she's panicking. 'Hey Bree,' I greet her.

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