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─────⊰ ✦.*🥀*.✦ ⊱─────

   𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐄𝐓. Perhaps a bit too quiet. Grandpa and I exchanged gifts of which I had to return a few, because he overspent yet again. I'd gotten him a shirt from his favorite football club and he was overjoyed when he unpacked it. I took him on a joyride or two, just so he was able to get out of the house now that I had a few days off.

Other than that, my break was mainly filled with working. I haven't seen or spoken to Chase since our kiss, but I can't stop thinking about that moment. He lives at the end of my street and yet, I haven't had the confidence to visit once. The thought of him makes me so nervous and so happy at the same time. It's rather conflicting.

The school halls are quieter than before the break, which was always the case with how excited everyone got about the upcoming holidays. Though the silence of the first Friday morning back at school doesn't last long when I hear Bree's squealing voice from behind me. 'Addilynn, you're never going to believe this!' she says as I spin on my heels to face her. 'I got a job at TechTown!'

'Congratulations!' I reply with a smile. 'That's just opposite my job.'

'You should definitely come visit me sometime,' she suggests. 'I don't mean to brag, but I look really cute in my uniform.'

A chuckle rolls off my lips as I adjust my backpack on my shoulders. During the break, I talked to Bree every day, though she was usually gone for most of the day. I'm not sure where she went, but Bree was the reason I had some fun aside from spending time with my grandpa. We went to the mall as much as we could, but again, she had to cancel a lot of times, saying that there was a family emergency of some sorts.

'Well, they have this new phone coming out, so I'm going to camp out for that after school,' I say with much pride. I've been working my butt off to earn enough money to afford the newest ePhone 7 and managed to scramble enough together to treat myself. 'So I'll see you in the store in two days.'

She laughs and takes out her phone, which happened to be the newest ePhone 7. My jaw drops the second I see it. I'm so amazed that I ignore her comment about whether this was the phone she meant and I start to question whether or not I should quit my current job and hop over to TechTown myself.

'How did you get it?' I say in disbelief and take her phone out of her hands to look at it.

Bree smirks and takes her phone back after my fingerprints have ruined her clean screen. 'There are so many benefits to working at TechTown. If you'd start working there too, you'd know,' she brags.

Chase comes rushing over to us with the biggest smile on his face. 'You guys are never going to believe this, but I got a job at TechTown!'

'Huh, should've seen that one coming,' I mumble to myself.

'What? No! I already have a job at Tech Town. You have to find yourself a new job,' Bree protests.

'No way, I love TechTown. I even got the newest ePhone 7. Look!' he eagerly takes his phone out, so does Bree. They both look at each other's phone and angrily push them back into their pockets.

Bree's face falls completely at the realization that she'll have to work with Chase. 'You have to find another job, Chase. This is the first thing that I can do on my own,' she complains.

'Don't you have your own room where you can relax on your own?' I ask and look at Bree. I don't have any siblings myself, so I wouldn't know. It's understandable if she's forced to do everything together with her siblings, that she wants to have something completely to herself.

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