Part 7- Are we friends?

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"Good that you are not his girlfriend..Orelse he would have killed you just like he killed my parents.."
The words echoed in his head nonstop.. with every word he felt a stab in his heart.. It made him recall the accident.. The memory of seeing his sister's dead body.. The lifeless body of his brother in law..
All because of him..
He walked away from there.. ignoring the concerned gazes.. it did nothing to reduce the pain he was going through..
He walked inside his study and closed the door in anger.. he walked to the window and stared outside..
It was so silent and peaceful outside.. meanwhile he had a storm going on within him.. The helplessness of not being able to overcome the pain.. The torture he felt within himself yet could not express..

He heard a knock on the door.. he did not turn around expecting it be his mother.. she would once again try to convince him that it was not his fault.. But he knew reality would never change..
Pia would continue to hate him yet it would not be more than he hated himself..
He turned around surprised..
It was Shehnaaz..
And the look of pity in her eyes made him angry.. the exact expression everyone had on face as they showed fake sympathy..
"Are you okay?" She asked hesitantly..
"Why are you asking??" He questioned in anger.. "And i did not hire you to come here and show fake sympathy for me.." he replied rudely..
He saw her look away with a expression of hurt.. he hardened his heart and ignored it..
"Now if you dont mind i would like to get some work done.. and you may leave and do the damn job for which you have been hired.." He spoke firmly while taking a seat in his chair..
He saw her glance at him with sad eyes and walk out of the room..
He sighed and got up once again staring outside..
"I miss you di... I miss you so much..." he whispered brokenly..

Sana blinked away her tears as she closed the door..
His harsh attitude did hurt.. yet once again she had to face reality.. What was she even thinking while she followed him inside..
He was just her boss.. nothing else..
She turned around and was surprised to see Sidharth's mom Priya standing there with a sad look..
"Aunty...sorry..."Sana tried to explain..
Priya shook her head.. "He must have taken anger on you.. I am sorry Shehnaaz.. i am sorry you had to see this all.."
Sana walked upto his mom and held her hands.. "No need to be sorry aunty.. If you want you can always talk to me.."
Priya smiled and nodded.. "Thank you for that.. Come with me to the garden.."
Sana followed Priya outside and set on the bench beside Sidharth's mom..
"Pia has been bitter since the death of her parents.. That is why she is always angry.. my poor baby is hurting.. " Priya brushed away a tear.. "And out of her anger she tries to hurt Sidharth with the words.. She blames Sidharth for the death of her parents.."
Sana rubbed Priya's hand supportively.. "But why aunty?? Why is Pia blaming Mr.Sidharth? " Sana asked confused..
"Because he was the one driving the car when the accident occured.. " Priya cried.."Both of them fail to understand its no ones fault.. It was just a very unfortunate accident.."
Sana stared at his mom in shock.. So this was the reason why Pia was so hostile towards her uncle.. Now things seemed to make sense as she knew the truth..
"Sidharth blames himself.. " Priya continued sadly.. "He just feels that he should be the one died in the accident.. He loved them so much.. As a mother my heart hurts to see my child punish himself everyday.."
Sana consoled his mother as she cried.. Her heart going out for Sidharth and Pia.. No one to be blamed yet suffering in their own pain..
"Thank you so much Shehnaaz.." Priya gave a grateful smile as she cleared her tears.. "It felt good to let someone know about the pain.."
Sana pressed her hand comfortingly.. "It is okay aunty.. we all need to vent out our feelings.. I am glad you shared with me.." She stood up from the bench.. "I should go and check on Pia.. She must be very upset.." with a smile she left to Pia's room..

Hurt and sorrow.. the words were not enough to describe the pain she was feeling right now..
How she wished she could go back to the happy times.. where she loved being with her parents..
Pia dashed away a tear angrily.. She recalled the shattered expression on her uncle's face.. yet she chose not to melt.. whatever she said to him there was no regret..
What did hurt most? The feeling of knowing she wont get back her parents again..
She cleared her face as someone knocked on the door.. Pia glanced up to see it was Shehnaaz.. She set on the floor leaning to the wall and avoided looking at her tutor..
Shehnaaz came and set beside her.. Pia ignored her presence and spoke bitterly.. "If you have come here to lecture me.."
Sana interrupted her.."I came here to check on you.. To see if you are okay?"
"I am fine.." Pia whispered..
"You know Pia.." Sana whispered.. "Sometimes its okay to be not fine.. It okay to cry.."
Pia glanced at Sana.. Unwillingly her eyes filled with tears and she started to cry.. She started to let out her pain in form on tears..
"Come here.. let me hug you.." Sana opened her arms lovingly..
Pia got closer and hugged Sana hesitantly.. She closed her eyes sobbing..
After a long time she felt better recieving a warm hug..
She felt safe...

SidNaaz FF- Teach Me How To Love (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now