Part 25- Its a forever ♡

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Next morning:
Sana blinked as she stared up at the celing and she realized she was in Sidharth's house.. She felt his warm body beside her as he snuggled close to her holding her in his arms.. She smiled recalling his beautiful confession.. and him proposing her.. The memories of it made her smile wide..
She glanced at him seeing how his face was softened in sleep.. She traced his lips and blushed realizing last night they had rushed to his place and made love through out the night..
He started to wake up slowly feeling her soft touch on his lips.. Sidharth opened his sleepy eyes and stared at her lovingly.. "Goodmorning Baby.." he leaned down and kissed her deeply.. She blushed and smiled up at him.. "Goodmorning Siddy.."
"Siddy?" He raised his eyebrow amused...
She shrugged.. "I wanted to give you a cute nickname.."
Sana tried to get up but she blushed clutching the sheets close to her body realizing she was naked.. he chuckled seeing her go all red..
He pulled her back in his arms and stared deeply.. "Why are you blushing now? Stop trying to hide yourself from me.."
His seductive voice send shivers through her.. "I have to go home and get ready for work.." she mummured glancing at the clock which showed it was 6am..
"I will get you home dont worry.." he spoke softly while trying to losen her grip on the sheets which she held closer to her body..
He leaned down and gently bit on her neck making her gasp..
"I need to leave.." she clutched on the sheets more but somehow started to get distracted as he showered sweet kisses on her neck..
"I Will take you in a while.." he promised.. "But before that i need you.." he whispered sensuously while capturing her lips into a hot searing kiss..

2 days later:
Sana had an off day so she was spending time at Sidharth's place along with his mother and Pia.. Once they both got to know he has gained back his memory there had been a lot of crying and hugging.. and most importantly a lot of excitement once they got to know about the proposal..
Priya had permanently shifted in Sidharth's house as she had been unwell for few days.. Sidharth and Shehnaaz had insisted her to shift here so they can take care of her..
Priya was so grateful she couldnt help but be happy the way things were turning out to be so well in their life.. a day she had been dreaming to see..
They were busy discussing about the marriage when the door bell rang..
Sana glanced up as Nancy opened the door she gasped and quickly ran to see Ishika and Dev back from honeymoon..
"ISHIIII!!" She greeted her bestfriend hugging her tight..
They turned around to see Sidharth who came and stood beside them.. Suddenly Dev was hugging him tight..
"BRO!! I am so happy finally you got back the memory.." He shouted in excitement..
Ishika and Sana giggled seeing Sidharth struggle to push away Dev..
"What the hell man... leave me alone stop hugging me.." he spoke feeling embarassed..
"Dev! Come here my child.." Priya chuckled and called him beside her..
Dev grinned and went to sit beside Priya.. soon everyone was seatrd in the sofa..
"How did the honeymoon go??" Priya questioned teasingly.. "So when are you making me a grandma.."
Dev stared at her in horror while Ishika blushed..
"Mom!!" Sidharth spoke uncomfortably while Sana giggled beside him..
"Grandma seriously you are being nosy.." Pia spoke amused seeing the flushed faces..
"What.. I asked nothing wrong.." Priya rolled her eyes.. "Sidharth and Shehnaaz has to follow the same route soon thats why i asked.."
Ishika and Dev frowned.. "Same route?" Ishika turned to sana with a questioning gaze..
Sana blushed and glanced away meanwhile Sidharth grinned.. "Mom means our marriage.. I proposed Shehnaaz.."
Ishika shrieked and hugged her bestfriend.. Dev glanced at his bestfriend surprised and pat his back happily.. "Finally dude.."
Ishika took Shehnaaz's hand looking for the ring.. "Where is your ring??" She questioned confused..
Sana bit her lip and glanced at Sidharth who gave her a regretful look.. "Actually.. he proposed all of a sudden and we havent got any ring yet.."
Ishika gasped and turned to Sidharth unhappily.. "Sidharth Shukla.. how could you!! You proposed to my bestfriend without a ring!!"
Sidharth raised his hands in surrender.. "I will get her the most beautiful ring as soon as possible! I Promise.. "
Ishika smiled seeing him panic.. Sana shook her head with a chuckle.. "Ishi stop grilling him.. He will get a ring soon.."
Ishika giggled and hugged Sana once again.."I am so happy Shehnaaz!! Finally you will get married..we have so many works to do.."
As ishika babbled nonstop Sana glanced at Sidharth who was staring at her with all love.. She smiled feeling happy and content..

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