Chapter 05

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This Fanfiction contains spoilers from the whole of S1 of The 2020 Netflix show, The Babysitters Club. It also involves you as a new character meeting Mary Anne and joining the meeting. You will be 'y/n' in the story. In this story you're a girl so I'm really sorry if that's not the case!

What happened last time...

Y/n: Who's Trevor? *eyes light up* Wait THE Trevor Sanbourne? The artists son??

Claudia: You know him?

Y/n: Same Maths class. He's the one you have a crush on right?

Claudia: How did you know?!

Y/n: Uh...Stacey just now and he was sketching someone in his maths book. Saw it when I was marking. I thought it was random but then...I saw you *giggles*

Claudia: WHAT? *blushes*

All except Claudia: *giggle some more*


Claudia: What is something funny?

Stacey: Claud you're blushing.

Claudia: I am?! ME?

Mary Anne: Ooh Claudia

Kristy: Yea Claudia *imitates a gentleman with a french accent* I am 'Trehvore'

All: *giggle*

Claudia: He doesn't talk like that!

Kristy: Obviously he doesn't! Anyways we were talking about our friend y/n here.

Y/n: Me?

Kristy: Who else? We're questioning you being in this club.

Dawn: Oh Kristy she's amazing!

Kristy: You've known her for just a day!

Dawn: Well Mary Anne didn't know me for long! I'm your friend too now!

Kristy: Dawn look I know why you feel th-

Mary Anne: Dawn's right...we should give her a chance!

Claudia: I say we should take a vote!

Stacey: I like that.

Y/n: I really don't want to be a bother-

Mary Anne: I vote she stays.

Stacey: I'm with you.

Dawn: So am I!

Claudia: I vote her in too. Sorry Kristy...

Kristy: Well I suppose I vote her in too then...

Y/n: Are you sure guys?

Dawn: YES! Y/n is in The BSC!

Y/n: This is amazing!

Kristy: You HAVE to come to every meeting! Unless your reason is one that we can all agree is honest and true.

Stacey: Or that SHE knows is true. *smiles a small smile*

Y/n: Meeting on Monday Wednesday Fridays, babysitting whenever asked-

Claudia: Wait, what's her role in The BSC?

Kristy: She can be the back-up babysitter. For when we're all busy.

Y/n: That sounds great!

Stacey: It's late, I should get going...

Y/n: I do too, need to get Lana from a playdate she had.

Claudia: Then you should go! Babysitting is always important you do it right!

Kristy: That I can agree with!

Claudia: Bye everyone!

Kristy: Bye guys!

Stacey: See you all in school!

Dawn: I'm adding her to the group chat k?

Kristy: okay.

Dawn: Bye everyone!

Y/n: Bye guys I should get a move on!

˜"*°• Thanks for reading •°*"˜

Next Part will come soon!!

Go follow me on instagram @kishi.clouds <3

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