Chapter 07

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This Fanfiction contains spoilers from the whole of S1 of The 2020 Netflix show, The Babysitters Club. It also involves you as a new character and joining the meeting. You will be 'y/n' in the story. In this story you're a girl so I'm really sorry if that's not the case!

Y/n is excited because it's a Monday. Monday, the day for another BSC meeting! She probably wouldn't get a job this time but she had to go anyways. The thought of Kristy's dissaproval was painful...

*at the meeting*

Everyone is waiting for the phone to ring. Half an hour passes by without anyone knowing. The bowl of airheads in Claudia's hands empty, leaving just grains of sour-sweet powder. Then it begins.

*ring. Ring ring. Ring.*

Kristy: Hey it's Kristy Thomas, president of the babysittersclub!

Watson: Watson Brewer here. Need a babysitter tomorrow at 6 for Karen and Andrew.

Kristy: *holds call* Guys Watson needs someone at 6pm.

Mary Anne: I can't do 6...

Stacey: Me either.

Claudia: I'll take it then!

Kristy: *removes call from hold* Yes Mr.Brewer your babysitter will be Claudia Kishi tommorow at 6.

Watson: Thanks Kristy. And be home early your mother-

Kristy: Nuh uh! This is for business only! Bye...

Watson: Bye...

*call ends*

Kristy: Okay Mary Anne jot that down please...

Mary Anne: Way ahead of ya Kris.

Kristy: *playfully rolls eyes* Yea yea *giggles*

A few minutes pass and the phone rings again.

*ring. Ring ring. Ring.*

Kristy: *picks up phone* Hey it's Kristy Thomas, president of the babysitters club! What can I help with?


5 calls are over and each girl has a job except Y/n, because she is a backup and only gets a job when the rest are busy. Just as the meeting is about to be wrapped up, the phone rings again.

Kristy: Hello it's Kristy Thomas, President of-

Lady: Yea Yea...I need a babysitter at 6 until 10 for my newborn.

Kristy: *eyes widen and she puts call on hold* We need a 4 hour babysitter from 6 to 10 to take care of a NEWBORN.

Claudia: No one here is free for that...

Mary Anne: Well...

Stacey: Uh...

Kristy: What is it?

Y/n: I'm free...

Kristy: *sucks in breath* oh...can you-

Y/n: Yes I can. I took care of my sister when she was a newborn...

Kristy: And you don't mind the whole thing?

Y/n: not really.

Kristy: Okay *removes call from hold* Ms, your babysitter will be Y/n Y/l/n from 6 to 10...

Lady: I haven't heard of her before...give me Mary Anne...

Kristy: Mary Anne is unavaliable Ms, but Y/n is an amazing babysitter and she has better experience with newborns.

Lady: Right right then. I'll take her.

*call ends*

When Kristy looks away from the call, she sees everyone smiling at her.

Y/n: Thanks for defending me Kristy...

Kristy: It was no big deal...

And the meeting ends with a blissful goodbye...

˜"*°• Thanks for reading •°*"˜

Next Part will come soon!!

Comment down below any ideas you have for the next chapter! ☁️💫

Follow my BSC account @kishi.clouds on instagram.

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