Chapter 23

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It's a Tuesday, so there are no BSC meetings. Y/n is sitting peacefully at home. Her brother Robert is out, so she decides to bake brownies. Before moving to Stoneybrook and getting fully into the BSC, y/n used to bake all the time. In fact, she was better than everyone she knew. 

She put on an apron, her favourite apron, a white one embroidered with strawberries and thick lace going around at the bottom. It had flour all over it, and stains from previous baking sessions, but she never threw it out.

Within half an hour, Y/n had already made the batter, and was pouring it into a square tray to bake. Just then, the door bell started to ring violently. 

Y/n: Robert wait! *she sighed*

It was just Robert, her older brother. He wasnt much older. Just a tad bit, but that didnt stop him from teasing her. He had gone out with some friend, heaven knows who.

Y/n was covered in flour and batter, but she didn't care. Because it was just Robert, and she was only answering the door.

She dusted herself lightly and tied her hair into a bun. She rushed to the door so Robert would stop ringing the bell.

She swung the door open, and stumbled back on her feet. Red rose to her cheeks. Robert had company and she looked a mess.

Guys we got to 4k! Thanks so much fot voting and reading! Pls comment, it just makes my day! ❤☺

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