Chapter 10

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This Fanfiction contains spoilers from the whole of S1 of The 2020 Netflix show, The Babysitters Club. It also involves you as a new character on your first BSC task. You will be 'y/n' in the story. In this story you're a girl so I'm really sorry if that's not the case!

Claudia: After you gave the baby Almond milk, when Ms Lawn said she was allergic!

Y/n: No you don't understand!

Stacey: There was CCTV footage Y/n! You can't get out of this with lies!

Mary Anne: And what, pray tell, was your lie?

Kristy: Oh don't bother...

Dawn: I feel like I haven't spoken up in some time, but now I want to in favor of Y/n...

Y/n: What?

Kristy: DAWN?

Dawn: We know Y/n did what she did but we know nothing-

Mary Anne: Dawn we know Y/n is your friend but she has done this, let it go...she's in trouble.

Y/n: Guys you need to-

Stacey: TO do what? Listen to a MONSTER? You don't know the B of babysitting!

Y/n: If you would just-

Kristy: We've had enough! I told you we shouldn't let her into the group!

Claudia: For once Kristy, I agree on that decision...I vote her out.

Mary Anne: I do too...

Dawn: Guys no...

Stacey: I vote her out too...not that she has a choice...

Kristy: And I voted her out all along...

Dawn: Well I vote her in!

Y/n: Majority still wins...I appreciate it dawn...*sniffles*

Dawn: Oh Y/n please don't cry...

Stacey: Gosh now you want sympathy...

Y/n: *sniffles* I should just leave...

Y/n runs out the house and pulls her hoodie over her head, covering her face with the fringes of hair that got stuck out of the hoodie. She reaches the park near and place and weeps into her palms. Hours have passed as she just sat there in pain, wondering if she'd ever get her friedns back. Then she dials a number.

Big Bro ☁️🍪
Call | Edit | Message

*ring ring*

A boyish voice talks through the phone.

Robert: Hey what's up?

Y/n: Hey big bro...*sniffles*

Robert: You crying? *asks with suspicion*

Y/n: What? *sniffles* No...

Robert: Don't lie...

Y/n: Rob you always see through me don't you...

Robert: Hehe guess I do...What happened?

Y/n: Well I got into this new friend group and- *voice breaks* They are blaming me for something I never did...

Robert: What?

Y/n: The BSC...

Robert: Your Idols?

Y/n: Yea...They- *voice breaks* said I gave the baby Almond milk. But she's allergic and I knew it! I didn't give her any almond milk!

Kristy Thomas was walking her dog in the back. She hears her and halts. Y/n doesn't know she's there.

Robert: Did you tell them?

Y/n: They didn't want to hear a word! They had CCTV footage! I don't know how it proved I gave her almond milk but I only gave her what Mrs.Lawn told me to...

Kristy's eyes opened in shock. She recalled the moment Mrs.Lawn told Y/n. She'd snuck up on Y/n to see how she was doing.


Mrs Lawn: No formula you incompetent child! There are milk bags in the fridge. At 7 give her the one with the 7pm label and at 9 before bed give her the 9pm one.

Kristy: This CAnNOT be happening *she mutters to herself*

˜"*°• Thanks for reading •°*"˜

Next Part will come soon!!

Comment down below any ideas you have for the next chapter! ☁️💫

Follow my BSC account @kishi.clouds on instagram.

I have an important question for all of you, my readers!

Would you like me to end this after the certain story ends OR do you just want it to keep running with many short stories that connect like the actual BSC 🤔🤍😜💫☁️

Ooh and I was thinking of adding some stuff!


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