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Another day, another nickel. Junmyeon had gone to his local grocery store to purchase healthy snacks for him and the Exo Boys. He also wanted to buy some cow manure to fertilize his lawn, a busy boy never rests! He decided it would be a lovely day to walk in the sunshine and soak in some vitamin D. He had finally arrived at the 99 cent store. You cheap asshole, Junmyeon, you!

"Hmm, they have Nifty Treats and Kelp Krunch. Which does Kyungsoo enjoy?" He pondered for 20 minutes deciding whether it was a good idea to buy both or just one. He decided he'd return later. He pushed his shopping cart to isle 9, which had dog food.

"Chanyeol must want something too.. might as well." He grabbed Purina Chow and placed it in his cart and proceeded to look for manure.

"It can't be just any manure it has to be TOP QUALITY." He swooshed his hair and saw it. The perfect bag of cow shit to fertilize his lawn. He had some competition though. This witch named Jackson was eyeing the same bag as Junmyeon. He prepared his man-hands and rammed Jackson, knocking him into the cereal boxes. Junmyeon laughed like a madman and hissed loudly at Jackson, now unconscious in the pile of Lucky Charms. Junmyeon had successfully acquired what his precious lawn needed.

He arrived at checkout and realized he forgot Kyungsoo's snacks. He had forced the old lady behind him to go get them for him, with a 100$ bribe, of course. He then pulled out his coin pouch decorated with puppies and pulled out his debit card.

"23.97, sir." The checkout boy said. Junmyeon smiled at the cashier and swiped his card and typed his password which was "OxyClean".

"Hmmm listen here Jimin," he used his googly eyes to read the name on his name tag "Which do you think is better? Kelp Krunch or Nifty Treats? This one says best in town, this other one says best around." Jimin groaned and scanned both items either way. Junmyeon gasped in shocked and let out a "hmph" as he pushed the cart out of the store.

As soon as Junmyeon got to his front door, he forgot he picked up Purina Dog Chow for Chanyeol. He grabbed the puppy food and tossed it through Chanyeol's window, since he wouldn't be able to carry it up 10 flights of stairs, hitting Chanyeol while he was making his salsa for taquito night. His salsa spilled all over the floor and Chanyeol was under the pile of dog food Junmyeon had tossed through his window. The man shrugged and proceeded to go up the stairs. He unpacked what he had bought and placed the fertilizer by the door, for later. He placed Kyungsoo's treats on the counter and walked back to his chambers.

"Ah finally a wonderful bed to lay on." Junmyeon threw himself on the bed, causing it to break.

Sehun walked in and screeched. My magazines are under there! Sehun groaned and walked out sadly.

Junmyeon yawned from all the work he did today, letting sleep kick in. He then fell asleep to the sound of Jongdae singing Halo by Beyonce in the shower.

Just another day in the Exo household!

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