Long Day Sunday

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Finally, the weekend had arrived for the Exo boys. Saturday was well spent cleaning the dorm, but today, they decided to go their separate ways and go outside to do some stuff. All left alone except Kyungsoo and Sehun, who went out together to shop for new pants. You see, Sehun loaned his pants to Jungkook recently and Jungkook got them stolen by a papaya vendor, who now uses Sehun's white unsoiled pants as a shower curtain. So now, Kyungsoo was forced to buy the maknae new clothes.

"Hyung, why are we going to forever 21?" Sehun frowned as he walked in behind Kyungsoo.

"Because with those chicken legs of yours, I had to have the pants specially made for you and we're picking them up here. They should be ready soon." Kyungsoo walked over the sale items and spotted some hats.

"Wanna try these things on while we wait?" Sehun shrugged and did as told.

Kyungsoo found a fedora and put it on. He had recently read in Sehun's diary that if you wear a fedora and tip it while saying "m'lady" you're bound to pick up girls.

"So Sehun..." Kyungsoo leaned on one leg, tilted his fedora and smiled, "How do I look? Do I look dashing?" Sehun chuckled and gave him an eye smile. Kyungsoo's nostrils flared and he threw the fedora at Sehun.

"WHAT are you chuckling about?" Sehun stopped laughing and covered his mouth. Once again, Kyungsoo repeated what he has said earlier.

"What are you chuckling about?!" Kyungsoo grew angrier and was causing a scene. The short man stomped away and went to get a drink, advising Sehun to stay and wait for his pants.

Kyungsoo went to the little store across Forever 21 and ordered a cranapple juice. He sat at the little round table and waited for his number to be called. He looked down at his number and stifled a laugh. No, Kyungsoo! You're a manly man. Men don't laugh at these things! His number is 69. Of course when the lady called out his number, he grabbed his drink and ran away from there, laughing like a maniac. The old folks just looked at Kyungsoo as his laugh echoed.

Kyungsoo walked back into the store, sipping on his juice. He looked around for the taller boy and saw him in the discount section. Kyungsoo sighed, at least he didn't get into trouble. He walked closer to Sehun and as he got closer he heard him talking to someone. To who? He didn't know. There was no one around.

"And so I was like 'gosh jungkook! I can't believe you let someone take my only clean pair of pants!' Do you feel me?" Sehun talked to the nicely dressed mannequin. Sehun extended an arm and tried to hold the mannequins hand, but not before being dragged out of the store by Kyungsoo.

"Hyung! I was making friends! That was so rude of you!"

Kyungsoo shoved sehun the car and closed the door, getting in the drivers seat.

"If I hear another word from you I'll make you walk home in those booty shorts you borrowed from Chanyeol you have on right now, understood?" Sehun nodded and cried.

I don't think Chanyeol hyung wants them after this. Not even the power of bleach can save his shorts.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2015 ⏰

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