Just Desserts

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"Sehun, calm down would you? You're going to shit your pants again. It's just a dinner." Suho-hyung chewed his gum and blew a big bubble, having it only to pop in his face. Sehun ran a hand through his greasy hair and took a deep breath.

"I know! It's just..... Scary. What if her mom doesn't like me? What if she thinks i'm bad news for her beloved daughter? WHY ME?!..." Chanyeol popped his head in through Sehun's room and looked around at the boys.

"Did Sehun shit his pants again? I heard aggressive yelling....." Suho laughed, causing his to choke on his gum. Chanyeol quickly ran to SUHO and helped him. Sehun was frustrated. What did his girlfriend's mom think of him? She has heard various stories but never actually met him. What if she thought Sehun was an idiot? A dork? Garbage? Who knows.

Growing tired of Chanyeol and Suho's noise, Sehun confronted them.

"CAN YOU TAKE THIS NOISE ELSEWHERE?! I AM TERRIFIED OKAY. I'M GOING TO..." Suho and Chanyeol watched Sehun's facial expression change rapidly from angry to worry some.

"I know that face......" Chanyeol quietly stood up and backed away from Sehun.

"HES GONNA BLOW!" Suho pulled Chanyeol out of the room and slammed the door.

"What happened now?" Xiumin opened the front door and set the bag of groceries down. "Wait don't tell me... Did he shit his pants again?"

Sehun pulled up to his girlfriend's snow covered driveway and put his car in park. His phone vibrated from his pocket.

"What does Suho-hyung want now....." He unlocked his phone and typed in his password, which so happened to be the word password. Sehun read the message that followed.

Suho: Did you make it there safely? I hope so. Everything will be fine, don't stress it! You looked snazzy with that blue sweater and the red polka dots! Its Christmasy. P.S. Don't shit your pants, Sehun. You only have so many white underwear left.

Sehun frowned and vastly replied.

Sehun: Oh my god, hyung stop embarrassing me. I only sharted once and that was because of Del Taco. I'll let you know what happens tonight.

He locked his phone and stepped out of the car with a bouquet of flowers for his girlfriend's mother. His feet left footprints in the cold, icy, white snow that crunched under his feet.

"It's going to be okay, its a quick one." His mantra calmed him down a bit as he approached the double white doors. With a shaky finger, he pressed the doorbell button.

"Coming!" He heard a woman's voice from inside. His heart beat at 9000 miles per hour as the footsteps grew closer. It's okay, Sehun. It's quick, remember?

"H-hello." Sehun's voice shook as he extended the flowers out towards his girlfriend's mother. Inside, he heard the faint sound of her talking. Please come out, i'm terrified. He thought quietly to himself. The beads of sweat trickled down his forehead as he watched her mother inspect the flowers.

"I'm sorry for that," She finally spoke up. Sehun sighed in relief, thinking that he was going somewhere.

"I should've mentioned that I didn't order any fruitcake." In the blink of an eye, his girlfriend's mother slammed the door in his face. Sehun was smiling at nothing and he pulled out his phone.

Sehun: hey, Suho hyung.... Go buy more underwears...

God dammit, Sehun! Not again!

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