Chapter 2 Owen Grady

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(E/C) = Eye Color

Your body rolled against the soft mattress trying to get a grasp on sleep. Though with how long you had worked packing away all your things last night and straightening up, time had just flown by. You huffed as you peeled your eyes open looking at your phone, squinting your eyes at the bright light that emitted from it at first.

4:45 am.

"Ugh." You groaned tossing your phone back on the night stand slowly sitting up rubbing your eyes. You only got about two hours worth of sleep last night. Looking around the room you could see boxes stacked and ready to be moved, all filled with the things you kept in your room. Stretching you brushed back your messy hair shaking your head at first before standing up.

May as well get a shower.

With that thought you fled towards the bathroom quickly grabbing a shower before getting dressed fixing your hair to be dry. Looking in the mirror satisfied with your work you gave your hair one last swift brush through with your hair brush. As you began to action a knock echoed through the room nearly making you drop it, you didn't expect some one to be knocking so early. Must be time already.

Quickly making your way to the door, you swung it open to reveal Claire who was busy texting at the moment. Her eyes glued to her phone slowly moving to finally look at you after a moment passed.

"Good you're up, I've sent a car for you and I'll have people take your stuff to your new temporary residence. I thought we could grab a quick coffee before you go." Claire put her phone away in her small purse giving you all her attention now as you stood at the door.

"Sure." You gave a half awake smile before stepping out of the room following Claire down to the little coffee shop in the resort sitting down at a table as she sipped her drink.

"We need to talk before you go." Claire exhaled after taking a sip of her coffee letting the mug rest against the table as she looked at you. So serious.

"About how this owen guy is bad news and not to get trapped in his sparkling eyes?" You clasped your hands together at the end of your sentence faking admiration looking up at the ceiling as you batted your eye lashes.

"(Y/N) take this seriously! You have no idea how he is! Trust me he's horrible, he's crude, reckless, brainless, only thinks with one head. The list continues. I'm only warning you." Claire gave you an unamused look as you dropped the giggly love sick girl persona to just sit there relaxed.

"I get it, I'll keep it professional don't worry. Besides it's only for a few months to get him back on track with his paper work. Just temporary, there's no way in hell I'm gonna fall in love. I'm not even looking for a relationship like you are." You scoffed a bit picking at the table. While Claire favored to stared you down. She seemed to be thinking about things only to relax her gaze.

"I believe you." She sighed out at last, is it just you or is she sighing a bunch? Maybe it's the stress.


"Oh your cars here, I'll let you go back upstairs to grab what you need for the day and have someone I trust take you to your new place of residence after work. Please be careful." Claire stood up after looking at her phone, you standing with her. She gave you a quick hug before walking off out of the building you watching her leave only to look at the elevators. Right time to get your things, at least what you need for the day.

"Alright here we are Ms. (L/N) the raptor enclosure." The Jeep that Claire had sent for you came to a stop as you peered out the window to gaze at the enclosure with curiosity.

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