Chapter 18 Hide and Seek

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Day had turned to night but you were happy to be back with Owen. Though he was driving quite fast speeding through the familiar dirt road that led to the enclosure on a mission to let Hoskins have it.

You hated that guy and were itching for a fight as you sat there in silence watching warily as Owen took a sharp turn on the dirt road driving up quickly parking. You didn't waste any time unbuckling you're seat belt hopping out not bothering to close your door as you stomped to Hoskins as he stood there with a smirk. You're gonna beat Owen in this little race to get to Hoskins.

"Finally, the whole family in one-" Hoskins spoke before suddenly lurching back as your fist collided with his face, you swung again watching as he staggered and finished it off with a hard foot stomp. By that point Owen caught up and pulled you back as you struggled.

"You son of a bitch! You wanted this to happen! Because of your stupid fucking plan! Take your asshat crew and get away from my girls!" You shouted venomously at Hoskins who was holding his bleeding nose. Claire has gotten out of the car quickly racing towards you and Owen as the boys shouted 'oh's wincing in amusement at the scene.

"What's going on?" Claire came to a stop watching as you were still struggling under Owen's grip.

"Heh, how many people need to die until you see, Owen get a grip on your girl and send her back home this is men's work." Hoskins was smirking a bit and Owen narrowed his eyes.

"Hold her." Owen growled to Claire pushing you towards her as she gently took your arm.

"Hey, hey! He's just an asshole (Y/N) relax it's gonna be okay." Claire tried to calm you down but you're too riled up. Suddenly Owen punched him once sending Hoskins nearly stumbling back falling on his feet as Owen towered over him.

"Get the hell out of here, don't talk to (Y/N) that way ever again. And stay away from my animals." Owen had enough of all of his growling darkly at Hoskins who only laughed. You swore that man was crazy.

"How many more people have to die before this mission starts to make sense to you?" Hoskins spoke condescendingly to Owen.

"It's not a mission it's a field test." Barry spoke up and it was then your struggling seemed to halt as Claire sigh in relief.

"This is an InGen situation now. Okay, there are gonna be cruise ships that show up here at first light. Everybody's gonna get off this island. You're gonna watch a news story tomorrow about how you all saved lives. No, better yet, how your animals saved lives!" Hoskins sounded bat shit crazy and you looked at Owen desperately.

"You can't let him do this they've never been out of containment we don't know how they'll react. They could kill everyone here!" You gasped out desperately.

"This is crazy! You have to do something." Barry was speaking to Owen too who seemed at a stand still. Wasn't he listening?

"Let's move out!" Hoskins ordered his men then turned to look back at Owen after turning around.
"This is happening with or with out you."

Owen narrowed his eyes slowly then he sighed watching Hoskins wall away. You stared desperately and gently yanked your arms away from Claire to circle over to Owen.

"Are you crazy! He's loosing his mind! He's going to hurt them and you! You could get hurt or-or worse!" You argued with Owen a bit and just watched as he looked at you before he brushed your hair from your face pulling a twig from out of your (H/C) hair.

"(Y/N)," Owen was deadly calm that wasn't always a good thing, "it's better if I'm with them. If I stand back people will get hurt. You know they won't listen to anyone else. This is the best we can do."

Unspoken Thing (An Owen Grady X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now