Chapter 7 Friday Night

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(F/F) = Favorite Food

Friday rolled around faster than you thought and to say you were nervous was an understatement. After all what were you supposed to do while hanging out with him!

It's different when it's his idea of fun, you're not used to doing something for your self. Well sure Claire tries but somehow it's always about her in the end. But you don't mind you're more of a see other people happy than your self kinda person.

You paced in front of your bedroom door, you had changed into different clothes deciding a nice casual would be okay. Just a blouse and some (jeans/shorts/leggings) sounded good to you. But what are you supposed to do? Are you supposed to be the one to plan the evening? (Your head is spinning.)



You jumped turning around quickly from staring at your bed room door to the front door biting your lip anxiously.

Oh god he's here.

Your stomach twisted before you took a deep breath, you just need to breath. This isn't a date it's just two friends anyway why are you so jumpy? Making your way to the door you peeked to see who it was, though you already knew, seeing it was owen you opened it.

"Ready?" He grinned down at you his thumbs tucked into his belt as he stood there relaxed as ever.

"Wait you don't ride that thing with out a helmet or leather?" You peered over Owen to get a look at his bike. Looking back at him your face contorted in worry.

"Nah, if you're scared you can just hold on tighter." Owen gave you a teasing grin. You pushed him playfully out of your way walking out of your bungalow to lock the door behind you.

"I'm not scared. More like cautious." You corrected him turning around stuffing your keys into your bag. Owen raised a brow seeming amused.

"Come on live a little, we're just driving into the park not off the island." Owen teased as he walked with you to his bike.

"Uh, last time you said that you got drunk out of your mind and vomited every where." You grinned amused at him watching as he scowled playfully at you while he straddled the motorcycle sticking his keys into the ignition.

"Very funny," Owen smirked, "come on get on."

Hesitantly you swung your leg over seat from behind him sitting down cautiously.

"I've never been on a motorcycle before, is this safe?" You suddenly we're having second thoughts. Owen peered behind him laughing a little shaking his head.

Wait is that a no?!

You paled at the thought.

"Just hang on." Owen instructed and you quickly wrapped your arms around his waist taking shaky breaths as he pulled out of the dirt drive way to the dirt road. Then suddenly he took off making you let out a loud yelp. You tightly clung to him at first trying to find some sort of security but before long you were relaxing looking around as you felt your hair whip around behind you as he drove.

Okay this is kinda fun.

You smiled at the thought looking around at the dense trees that steadily began to clear. You turned your head to the right as you both passed the raptor enclosure and you watched it pass by with awe.

"Enjoying the ride?" Owen shouted from up front making you quickly turn your head to look at him with a bit of a laugh.

"Okay this is kinda fun." You shouted back up to him so that he could hear you over the wind and he laughed.

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