Chapter 13 Zach And Gray

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Getting up from bed you stretched turning your alarm off smiling as Owen rolled to his side his arms sleepily wrapping around your waist in a loose embrace.

"Mornin' already?" He slurred out sleep evident in his voice as you nodded gently brushing back his hair from his face twirling strands of the lox's you could in your finger.

"You know I've got to do this for her, besides better me than who ever her assistant is right now." You sighed a bit and kissed Owen on the forehead watching as his eyes peeled open to stare at you.

"I'm not letting you." He said it so simply and you grinned at the antics he was trying to pull as you slipped from his grasp to go grab your clothes turning off your alarm.

"I'll see you later tonight, once the boys are all settled in their room we can grab some dinner or something and maybe..." you wiggled your eyebrows the way he wiggles his own at you when he's implying things making him chuckle sitting up stretching while the blanket fell off his chest.

"Mm that sounds good, I love making you mine." Owen growled at you teasingly sending shivers down your spine but you smiled never the less.

"Just something to look forward to, if you're good and don't make me late." You laughed a little and Owen smirked at you as you retreated to the bathroom to change.

Recently the two of you have been sleeping at one another's bungalow switching whos place to sleep at every other night. It was nice and you couldn't wait to make the two of you official. And you could tell neither did he.

You left the bathroom refreshed and brushed your hair behind your ear grinning at Owen seeing he laid back down to get in maybe 10 extra minutes as you made your way over to him.

"I love you, see you tonight." You bent down pecking his lips listening to him him.

"I love you too, stay safe." Owen hummed and you smiled more standing straighter.

"You try too, don't get eaten by the girls." You teased and left with another soft goodbye to him racing down to the dock having to catch the monorail to get there.

You weren't really looking forward to this having no idea how old each boy was let alone what they liked but you're good with kids so this should be fine right? You fidgeted as you walked up to the dock holding a sign Claire insisted you hold for them to find you. Then out of the crowd you saw two boys walking your way, one was a tall teenager who seemed like he wanted nothing to do with this place. (But you knew how to fix that, something that'll entertain him for sure.) and a younger boy who seemed like maybe he was just 13? You can't get a good age but he was clearly younger as the two walked over to you carrying their luggage.

The younger boy looked up at you a bit seeming like he half expected his aunt to be behind you but found disappointment seeing that she wasn't.

"Where's aunt Claire?" His eyes looked behind you once more as you lowered the sign looking sympathetic.

"She's busy, I know that sucks. But don't worry you'll see her later today." You smiled a bit at the younger boy who seemed to nod and you noticed firm the corner of your eye the older one seemed a bit sullen at the news.

"My names (Y/N) and I work down at the raptor enclosure if you boys at some point wanted to take a look. What are your names?" You looked between them both and watched the younger one look at you in awe whole the older one just typed away at his phone scoffing a bit. But he seemed a little interested.

"I'm Gray, so you're like the alpha! Is that what you do?" Gary seemed to rock on your feet and you laughed a little looking to the side.

"Not exactly, but I know the alpha, if you're lucky maybe he'll let you see them up close." You smiled and then turned your attention to the oldest.

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