Chapter 8 Jealousy

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A few weeks had passed by since you and Owen had that hang out, and needless to say that hadn't been the end. The two of you hung out a lot since, getting to know one another more and more. The more you learned the more you found yourself really liking him.

But that didn't mean you hadn't caught the attention of your best friend. She figured something was up upon the last few phone calls the two of you shared from time to time. She could hear it in your voice, you sounded relaxed happy and almost...giggly. (To her suspiciously so.)

"So who's the lucky guy?" Claire had pressed on the subject one night as you two were talking while you fixed yourself dinner.

"What?" You looked at your phone in shock from where it was sitting on the counter while you made some microwaveable food. (What it's hard to cook and find time to even cook!)

"Oh don't be coy with me (Y/N), I know that tone, someone's got your attention." Claire sounded like she was smirking on the other end of the phone as you stood there in shock. Your heart rate increased feeling it pounding against your ribs and you could feel your face flushing.


Your eyes widened.

No, no, no! I'm not...theres no way.

You gasped out inside your head in dread.

"Come on (Y/N) I would like to know." Claire seemed like she was in good spirits, but now fear had your heart. What would she do if you told her you're starting to fall for Owen?

"I'm not interested in anyone." You decided to play dumb pulling your food out of the microwave as it beeped at you telling you it was done. Claire tsked.

"Yes you are, the signs are all there. You do deserve someone who will treat you right, especially after what you've told me about your last relationship." Claire on the other line, though she sounded relaxed, she was paranoid. Afraid you were going to say just who she thought you'd say. (After all she had been having a sudden fear the past 2 months you've been away that you and Owen would click more than she and him ever had.)

"No really I'm not interested in anyone." you argued back taking your phone and plate of hot food to the couch to watch tv while working. A normal you've always done at night.

"You certainly sound interested." Claire hummed on the other end.

"Well I'm not." You corrected with a sigh.

Believe me Claire you don't want to know.

You looked away from the phone guiltily like you've ruined the trust of your best friend.

"I understand you don't want to tell me." Claire laughed but you could tell she must be hurt you won't share. You stared at your phone hesitantly, maybe you should be subtle.

"Um, I've been doing a lot of hanging out with Owen. That's been fun." You grinned only to feel it drop as Claire gasped out a bit. Like she had been expecting it, it was a sharp breath and you knew that she must of been upset.

"With Mr. Grady?" Claire was breathing sharply and her tone had become passive aggressive.

"Yeah...just as friends though! Its been fun." You smiled like a kid who was about to get in trouble with their parents.

"(Y/N), I've told you not to get too close! He's-he's bad news! He could be playing you." Claire huffed and you figured she must be jealous.

"He's not, if he wanted to, he'd of done it a while ago." You argued back suddenly heated about the subject.

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