Chapter 4 Drunk

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"I'm serious! She walks into the room about to let him have it and slips on some papers!" You laughed as you retold a story about Claire, laughing more with Owen and Barry as they seemed to be in stitches at your story.

"No way, not Claire." Barry laughed as he tried to reason that didn't happen and you quickly shook your head after taking a sip of your drink.

"No really the guy told everyone he had slept with her and she walked in to tell him he's fired and she trips before being able to say anything." You laughed a bit more shaking your head one more time before sighing looking back at the bar.

It was lively for a Monday night, the park guests chatting amongst one another loudly over drinks as music played from above blasting some pop music and some club remixes to keep the guests happy. You looked over to owen and Barry as they chatted with one another and you allowed your fingers to run over the rim of your glass looking at what was left of your drink.

"Any more stories about Claire you wanna share?" Owen smirked after placing down the beer he had been drinking on to the bar making you turn to look at him.

"About Claire? No I'll be fired if I tell another." You joked a bit crossing your legs humming thoughtfully.

"But I can tell you how she saw your first date." You looked back at Owen as he groaned a bit earning a laugh from Barry.

"She probably said a bunch of untrue things." Barry laughed a bit.

"Hey this is a happy place don't ruin it." Owen laughed a bit waving his hand in dismissal. Turning his head back to the bar Owen finished his beer only to order a shot of tequila seeming rather pleased when the small shot glass was placed down salt against the rim with a lime to finish it off.

"Hey I gotta get back home." Barry looked down at his watch as he sighed finishing off the only drink he had all night then stood straight.

"Really? So soon?" You turned your self around in the bar chair to face Barry as he stood up looking curious as he nodded with a bit of a sigh.

"Yeah it's a shame I know." Barry huffed a little before he seemed to laugh it off.

"Don't have too much fun with out me." Barry laughed waving a goodbye leaving you and Owen alone at the bar. Why was this suddenly awkward? You turned back around after Owen took his shot the salt off the rim and the lime squeezed out to the side.

"So," Owen started eyeing you a bit his arms resting against the bar, "if Claire talked so bad about me what made you want to come work for me?"

Your eyes looked at Owen before falling back to your drink.

"Well, when I first started work here I wanted to work at an enclosure. You know be close to the animals learn how they behave and admire them even if they aren't the same from when they were around naturally. It's still fascinating to see them roaming earth once again. But I was placed as an intern down in the main building and then met Claire. She liked how I worked and bumped me up to her personal assistant. 3 weeks ago, we were at a lunch meeting and I was offered the position to help you file your paper work and keep you organized. But I didn't care about that part my main interest was getting to see dinosaurs and working so close to the field even if I'd still be looking through a glass window while everyone else here to be outside. So I mean I took the job for the experience. Not because I wanted to know who, in her words, the boorish brainless man who gave her a horrible first date was."

You laughed a bit as you spoke taking a sip of your drink looking away as Owen eyed you curiously for a moment.

"Yeah well, she was the crazy one. Who plans a date the way she does? Down to the millisecond? What the hell." Owen grumbled a bit before clearing his throat.

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