Chapter 12 Unspoken

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(F/D) = Favorite Drink

Christmas was just around the corner, and while you wished maybe it would snow you knew that wasn't about to happen. Regardless you dreaded Christmas, because it meant the end of your short job transfer and would send you back to Claire.

You and Owen had been dating for almost 4 months and after Christmas the two of you would make it official. It was just repeatedly getting put off thanks to how busy October through December can get.

You wondered if anyone noticed how the two of you behaved now seeming closer and openly showing more affection than the first week of dating in fear of some one catching on. As for the situation with Claire that had been smoothed over. You didn't feel guilty any more though you still felt something just not as strong any longer.

Your eyes peered over the railing of the cat walk watching the girls running around below you playing with one another. Only to then turn your attention back to your clip board flicking through the pages at some things that still needed to be done.

"Hmm.." you sighed out softly tapping the pen against the wood of the board focused on what to do next.

I think maybe I should check how the new kid is, he seems a little jumpy. I'm a little worried he could fall into the cage trying to catch the pig when the girls practice hunting.

You pierced your lips seeming satisfied with that thought only to gasp feeling arms wrapping around your waist. Normally youd of elbowed who ever dared wrap their arms around you but you knew it was Owen.

"Mornin'" Owen grinned as he pulled you close making you laugh trying to wiggle free of his grasp.

"Owen I'm doing my rounds." You whined earning a pout from him.

"Am I not important enough?" He buried his head into the crook of your neck making you sigh amused.

"Oh you aren't." You slipped from his grasp with a teasing smile watching as he eyed you a playful glare.

"I'm kidding!" You held a hand up in surrender.

"Or am I?" You teased making you way past him quickly to walk down the stairs all whole wiggling you're brows at him.

"(Y/N)." Owen said your name warningly and you just laughed walking off to go and talk to the new guy. Owen watched after you smiling fondly at your retreating form.

"Owen?" Barry called from his side and Owen turned to look at him sighing a bit.

"What do you need?" Owen crossed his arms and Barry looked over the railing to see you conversing with the new guy who seemed very embarrassed about something.

"These last few months I've noticed you and (Y/N) getting close, you should tell her how you feel before she leaves." Barry spoke a bit seriously and Owen looked at him. At first he was shocked then he had to suppress a grin nodding his head in a vain attempt to keep a serious face. (Barry had no idea you two had been for almost 4 months.)

"Right." Owen looked back to you seeing you reach for the new guy in shock when he stumbled back into the buckets. You helped the kid up and Owen narrowed his eyes watching the other guy blush at your help.

"I'm serious Owen." Barry said quickly and Owen turned back to look at him trying not to be as amused as he was feeling now.

"I know." Owen turned his attention back to you seeing you leading the new guy off to show him where everything was again. Barry just watched Owen with a bit of a sigh leaving his lips figuring Owen won't listen to him, but maybe you would.

Unspoken Thing (An Owen Grady X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now