Chapter 7- The Parkour Master!!

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Kazan gracefully flew through the clouds and nothing was in sight for a very long time. It's been three days since y/n and Aang had left, and they haven't even made up their mind on where too next. "It's not like we have all of our lives to plan this out!" Aang shouts to her, "yeah! I know this flight bag!!" They both groan out loud, getting sick of each other.

"Look, the moon's already up too! Y/n, we have to figure out where we are and what's your plan!" The princess rubbed her chin and placed her hand on Kazan's head sighing. "We can go to the Earth--" "hisssss!" She rubbed her dragon's head, "what's that boy? You're tired?" "Hiss!" Y/n sighed, "me too boy, but we don't even know where to land!"

Aang stood and opened his glider, "I'll take care of that!" Then he jumped off the dragon going beneath the clouds. Y/n sighed aloud and snuggled her head on Kazan's. "I'm so tired buddy, but we have to keep our eyes open until Aang gets back!~" she had dark lines under her eyes that showed they haven't been sleeping well.

[One Hour Later]

Her eyes started getting heavier as y/n starts losing grip on Kazan. The dragon began to fly lower as well. Until she felt herself slipped y/n jumps up, manipulating the air so Kazan could at least fly a bit higher. "Where's Aang?!" She yelled to him. "Aruh." "You don't know? Really?"

Another sigh escaped her lips, plopping her elbows down Kazan. "I'm gonna close my eyes for a few seconds...wake me up when Aang comes." The moment her sentence was finished she was out like a light. Aang came flying up, trying to avoid the bugs that flew near his face and about his ear. The closer he got to the dragon's tail the closer he was to seeing y/n's head hanging off of it!

"Y/n!!" She slipped off falling, but Aang swooped down and caught her with an arm around her waist. He flew infront of Kazan yelling, "follow me!! I found a place to sleep!" The animal growled and did as told following Aang beneath the clouds and over land.

With a grunt, y/n opened her e/c orbs to see she wasn't in the air anymore. She sat up and rubbed behind her head, staring off at her environment. It definitely wasn't the air. The smell of something cooking made her mouth water and she turned to that direction. "Aang?" "Oh, good morning! You're finally awake!" She nods and smiled weakly, "yeah. Good morning."

Aang sat down on the hard rock ground roasting some fish on a stick over a small fire Kazan made. "You must be hungry, we came a long way." Aang tells her, "but this isn't even the hard part of you becoming the avatar. Things just started." "Yeah, I know this." Y/n says a matter of fact like.

She sat opposite him and looked about the place, "so are we in a cave or something?" "Yeah! After I left I found this place! I'm sorry I took so long to come back." Y/n rubs behind her head, "so what happened?" He pondered on whether he should tell her how she nearly died, but thought it'd be better not to. "Nothing." Says Aang, "fish?"

Y/n shrugged and took one of the sticks saying a small prayer before eating. "Your training today," Aang yells in-between eating, "is gonna start in fifteen minutes! Gives you enough time to bathe and prepare yourself mentally!" Y/n couldn't lie, Aang surely was an enthusiastic boy, and he was always so positive she sometimes got jealous of him. Unlike Aang, y/n tended to point out the bad things and have negative things become her judgement. If it wasn't that she was just layed back and lazy, or being stuck up and proud.

She was done eating the fish and y/n stood grabbing a towel. She walked to Aang asking, "hey where do I shower?" "There's a waterfall down there! You decide the rest." With a nod Y/n went off to the waterfall and had her shower. Returning back, she spots Aang sitting on top of a rock and meditating.

She rolled her eyes and continued on her way, finally back at the cave. Kazan was still there though! Y/n picked up another towel and draped it over his eyes, "you didn't see anything!" Kazan huffed and rolled over as she placed a set of new clothes on. Y/n walked back out surprised Aang was still meditating. "Hey flight bag!!" He opened his grey eyes and glared at her then sighed jumping off the rock and floating down.

"Y/n, at last you arrive." She rubbed behind her h/c head and nodded. "I want you to jump on those rocks." He pointed to a line of huge rocks that lead all the way across the river to another land, and it was pretty long. "What? No that's crazy, I'm not doing that." Aang felt that glare coming on!

He leaned against the rock he was sitting on earlier, "this is parkour and it's pretty simple. Watch and learn." Aang dropped his shoulders back and stretched. With a grin he jumped on to the first slippery rock and balanced on one leg. He then jumped across to the next one just fifteen metres away and kept doing so. Aang was in the middle of the river now, where the current was strong. He took a deep breath and jumped to the next rock, airbending so he wouldn't fall into the river. At last Aang got safely across, and he bowed to y/n. "See! Now YOU try!"

Y/n shrugged her shoulders, "it's an easy obstacle course, and it'll help with airbending!" She jumped on to the first rock and shivered. It really was slippery. Next she skipped to the second one, then the third. On her fourth try she slipped and nearly hit her head, but with quick thinking y/n used air to blow herself back up and on the rock. "Yeah Y/n! You can do this!" Aang yelled.

"I can!" Feeling confident y/n smoothly went along the rocks, she made it to the last one which there was a huge gap between the rock and land, but y/n had her eyes set on the mission. Passing this test.

She took in a deep breath and jumped off the rock. Her head nearly touched the water but y/n released her breath and airbends her way to the other side using her mouth! She lands on her butt, rubbing it as she stood slowly with Aang's help. "That was so cool, you're good at things when it comes to your physical body huh?" "I guess so~"

Aang nods and walked over to a very tall tree. "Well I guess you can handle this right?!" He laughed and jumped on to it, crawling up like some spider monkey. When he made it to the very top he yelled down, "climb the tree and don't fall off!!" Y/n smirked, "you're on!!"

She looked to the first branch and jumped off up catching it. Using her arm she pulled herself up snatching the next, but a gush of wind blew her back down to the grass. "Ow!" Aang sighed, "you cannot let air hold you back! You have to be the wind and counter or make it your own! How else are you to make it up here??" She glared at the airbender. "I'm really starting to hate you as a teacher."

"Teacher Aang is best teacher around!" Aang yelled to her with a silly grin on his face. Y/n rolled up her failure and tried again climbing up the tree. Aang shot air near her left arm and she dashed it out of the way. He shot it near her right and she returned it, just like he said. "Ah I see you've caught on, but can you counter THIS?!" Spinning his staff Aang hits it down.

It was like a hurricane wind at her, but y/n did the unthinkable. She jumped towards the wind and shot upwards landing beside Aang on her legs. "That was easy!" Aang stared from down there, twelve feet down! Then back up at her face, "there's just no way a woman can be THAT cool!!" He hugged her tightly, but let go feeling her skin get hot.

"S-sorry." "Let's just get down." She was about to climb down but Aang stopped her. "Wait," he held her by the waist and flew down and over to the other side. She held close to him until they landed and Aang felt her breath on his cheek. He turned quickly, blushing pink. "What's next Aang?" She asked. Aang cleared his throat, "r-right! Let's just meditate for now. We'll continue tomorrow."

The whole day had passed by without them even knowing. They sit cross-legged together, taking in a deep breath and releasing it, "by the way, where did you say we were off to?" Aang asked her. A puff of black smoke exited her mouth and y/n found herself being consumed by silence, "the Earth Kingdom." And like that, the lights were out and meditation began.

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