Chapter 20

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~ S E C R E T ~

Clarke's POV

"Umm, hello? Are you o-" I started but he cut me off while slamming my bedroom's door shut. He looked at me with angry eyes, I couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

"Did he touch you?" He asked while adding disgust to the word 'he'. He was staring at my eyes and his eyebrows were raised.

"Answer me! Did he fucking lay a finger on you because I swear to god I will kill him." He then looked over my body, and that's when he spotted the several hickeys Dylan had left on my neck. He took a step forward staring at the hickeys. He tried to grab my hand, but I pulled away.

"Why do you even care huh? Because just an hour ago you were having sex with Echo." I was getting really annoyed at his behavior. It was childish since he was the one who started it.

"It's not the same thing. Him? Dylan? Seriously Clarke? My sister helped you, that's for sure." I could tell he was getting annoyed. And I was too. I didn't want to fight with him not anymore and not right now. All I could think about was, wow, that plan really worked well! But I also thought, why is he so jealous, he doesn't care about me, he made that pretty clear yesterday.

Bellamy took another step forward, and I stepped back. He was a little too close for my liking. If it wasn't for the butterflies in my stomach, I would have probably kicked him out of my room. But weirdly, I couldn't bring myself to move a muscle, when his eyes were staring deeply into mine.

He put his hand on my neck, where my hickeys were. He shook his head abruptly, probably trying to cope with the situation as calm as he could be in the moment.

"I can't believe you let him touch you." He said quietly. I rolled my eyes at his comment and his tone. I turned my head around, trying to avoid his disappointed gaze. Why did he look so goddamn disappointed, damn it's not like he was my dad. I could take care of myself, and for all I knew, he was having fun with Echo not long ago. If he could, then why couldn't I?

He then grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. He stared at my eyes, then my lips, then my neck. I knew what was coming.

"What are you doing?"I questioned him coldly.

"Taking what's mine back." I couldn't reply anything before he rushed his lips to mine. I kissed him back, at first slowly but then it became hungrier. His hands were travelling up and down my body while mine were in his curls. But then I thought about what he had said yesterday. I pulled back from our kiss.

"Bellamy, What is going to come out of this? If we continue, there's no going back." I sighed loudly, and sat on the edge of my bed. He sat next to me. He put his hand on my thigh, I blushed a little at the gesture.

"Clarke. I want you, so, so bad since so long." I wondered what he meant by that statement. Was he only trying to get into my pants, or was he maybe the sweet boy from before the trauma happened. I didn't know what to think. He then pushed me back, gently on the bed. He was on top of me, kissing me sweetly. His tongue was in my mouth.

"Please, I need you, I have waited for so long now. Please Clarke." He finally said when he pulled back for air. I was so confused.

"I can't Bell. I can't be one of your little puppies. I've got a daughter, we're siblings and—"

"STEP-siblings." He corrected me. He was still on top of me, looking so damn attractive. I pushed him off of me. He fell back, laying on the bed beside me.

"Why do you have to be so goddamn stubborn. I know you want this as much as me. So for one second, stop thinking about what everybody around you wants and think about what you want." Sighing loudly, I could tell he was hurt that I kinda rejected him. He did it first, after all.

"I can't do that Bell. I'm a mother I can't hook up with boys and then she gets attached and then they leave. I can't do that to her, Piper doesn't deserve that."

"Please call me Bell more often, it is a real turn on." He smirked. Arggg that cocky but so attractive smirk.

"Bellamy! I'm serious here. I can't fuck with my step brother, especially if he's not willing to get involved." I smacked him across the chest trying to get his attention off his flirty and cocky comments.

"I can't, I can't get involved with Piper and you know that. But I want you." He replied, playing with one of my fingers.

"We're a package deal, I'm sorry Bell. I truly am." I got up from the bed, and walked toward the door, ready to open it for him. But he grabbed my wrist and twisted me around so I was facing him. Bellamy then, pushed me to the doorframe and put his arms around me, keeping me from escaping him.

"Clarke, I'm trying. I'm willing to fight for you. I don't care about Echo or any other dumb chicks, I care about you. Please, just give us a chance and we'll see how this goes." This time he was almost begging me. He looked at me with puppy dog eyes. He was so attractive, hot and cute at the same moment. Never thought somebody could do the three at the same time but he was a master at this art apparently. He pulled me into a kiss, his lips were so soft. I felt like he was the kissing piece of my life. Ever since Finn, I had kissed and hooked up with other people but none of the kisses I shared felt like this. It felt so right, so sweet and most of all. It felt like joy. Maybe, with him, I could have the happy ending I deserve. Maybe I could get to be happy once again, and have a nice family. But I knew I was thinking too much and expecting too much as well. He was probably only in it for the sex. But he was a sweet, caring and very hot boy. So how could I say no.

He pulled back from our kiss. He looked at me with his chocolate brown eyes, looking for an answer. I nodded and he smiled as he picked me up and twirled me around. When he put me back on the ground, I grabbed his hand.

"Only one condition."

"Whatever the hell you want." He answered as he looked at me with the stupidest smile I had ever seen.

"For now we keep it secret. No telling Piper, the parents, friends or even Octavia. If this works out," I said gesturing to the both of us. "Then we'll see what's next." I finished. He nodded in agreement and kissed me one last time before heading for the room. Before he could leave though I shared something with him.

"Just so you know, Dylan and I didn't do anything." I swear I saw a little blush of embarrassment on his cheeks before he exited my room and closed the door behind him.

Was it embarrassment due to his little jealousy earlier, or maybe was it that he couldn't say the same about him and Echo.

I didn't know, and I wasn't sure I wanted to know. But what I did know was that Bellamy blushing was a-do-ra-ble. And I liked to know I might've been the one causing it. I just hoped things would work out fine between us. 


I know this is a short chapter, I'm really sorry, but anyways. We got to see a lot of Bellarke. Loved it. If you also did, vote, comment and share to other bellarke shippers. Anyways, thanks for reading.

Very appreciated my loves, 💕💕💕

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