Chapter 22

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~ F A L L I N G ~

A few days later

Clarke's POV

That day was a great day. You know why? It was the day that Bellamy would find out his sister is in a relationship with body builder Lincoln. Haha, let's say, it was a very agitated day.

I woke up very early to workout. After making Piper eat some mashed fruits, she started with solids not long ago. Her teeth were also coming out slowly so she cried a lot more often. She was more difficult than usual and that made me more exhausted and less patient than before. I had put her favorite tv show on, while I did my 45 min workout in the gym at home. Since I came back home, my mom insisted on changing an old office into a new at-home gym. She said that I wouldn't have to get out to run anymore and that I wouldn't have to leave Piper to get to the actual gym. At first I thought it was stupid and a waste of space but I actually use it 2 times a day everyday. I actually thought it was a lifesaver. So anyways, with my AirPods in my ears and my music blasting, I didn't hear the door open or even close. Only when I felt a hand pressing against my shoulder I let out a scared scream. I turned around so quickly I almost knocked Octavia unconscious. She just smiled and waved at me while I took off my AirPods.

"You almost scared me to death!" I exclaimed, sighing. I took my water bottle and drank, I was tired from all the exercises.

"I'm telling my brother about Lincoln." She said while I was still drinking my water. I choked on my water when I heard her, and I spit all the water on the gym mat. I couldn't have heard that right. It didn't take a genius detective to see that Bellamy was very over protective of people he cared about, ESPECIALLY, his little sister.

"He's going to kill Lincoln. You know that right?" I whispered, giving her wide eyes. I took my towel and cleaned up the water on the floor. She sighed loudly.

"I'm finally happy. Lincoln treats me well and he's so cute and sweet. I'm tired of hiding, lying all the time. Plus, I'm out of shitty excuses. And you know what, he should be happy that I'm happy. " She smiled at the thought of the love of her life. I had met Lincoln only two times in my life, but he sure as hell was perfect for her. They were made for each other.

"What and when are you gonna tell him? Is Lincoln going to be there?" I asked her quietly, scared that a very precise somebody would hear. She rolled her eyes at my caution and worries.

"At the beach. Lincoln will join us, but after I told him, I don't want to make it awkward for Lincoln. I'm going to tell him almost the truth, except for the thing about him being a mailman. Might be easier than telling him like this: 'hey Bell, that's my boyfriend, Lincoln. Clarke and I lied to you since the party. Oh and by the way, Lincoln works at the bar downtown!'' She said the last part with a lot of sarcasm. I didn't think lying to him would be the best option, but it wasn't really my business or place to say anything really.

"What hour are we going?" I asked her ignoring my concerns. I smiled weakly at her. I didn't like lying to Bell either, but I wasn't going to throw Octavia under the bus either.

"We're leaving in an hour, me, you, Bell, Piper and Lincoln meet us there a little later. I know how you feel about lying to him, but I really think it's for the best, Okay?" Her eyes were like Bell's. Big browns sparkly eyes just like puppy eyes. She was begging me to have her back. I'm a loyal friend so I guess you already know what I told her.

"Okay, don't worry I gotchu Girl. Just make sure Lincoln knows about his sudden career change." We both laughed until she took home in her arms. She hugged me tightly and whispered in my ear a thank you. She left the gym, and I followed not long after.

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