Another A/N since I have to explain this stupid shit.

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Hey guys as you must know Tony did some shit in the past that wasn't right. Do I support what he did in the past?....Ehh I really don't care. Like Elsa said in Let it Go: the past is in the past. There's this girl on here calling me homophobic. Now if I was homophobic would I have apologized to y'all if I offended you in anyway in this story? No. If I were homophobic would I include Tony being bi in this story? No. Anyways my point is I'm being called homophobic because I said "straight" and "Alt" tiktok was dumb and for liking Tony Lopez. You can like a person but not support what he does. I was "exposed" on this one acct. I'm going to comment it below. You can go read it but I just want to let you guys know why I didn't update like I said I was. I'm sorry. We had already been through this last week. When she not only slut shamed me but told me to go die. But I'm in the wrong? ok. Ahh what does she want me to do cry? no. I take death really seriously. If you don't follow me I said last week when she told me to go die I explained how on March 17th was the day I almost hung myself. If it had not been for Nikeara I wouldn't be here. Suicide is not a joke that is something I take very VERY seriously. I almost lost a friend to suicide and it's not fun it's scary. Seriously if you feel like that please please PLEASE get help, talk to someone because it's always better. Anyways love y'all have a good night. Thank you for 37k reads. Seriously you guys rock as kings and queens should. 

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