✨Courtside Bae✨

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A bit of a long one ahead, just a fair warning.

Ariana & Y/n

Y/n's POV

"It feels so good to finally be home."

I got up from my spot on the team plane and grabbed my things so I could get off with the rest of my team.

We just landed in Los Angeles for our game against the Lakers tomorrow night.

I haven't been home much due to traveling for multiple games and because of the simple fact that my team plays in Miami, so I guess you can say I've been a little homesick.

I miss everything about LA, the beaches, the food, the night life, my mom, my baby sister Mariah, and most importantly Ariana.

Now our relationship is a bit complicated, that is if you can really even call it that.

See we're together, but we're not.

It's like this, we want other people to know that we belong to each other. Behind closed doors though, between us we know that this is just a casual thing for the two of us.

She claims that she knows my type or whatever that's supposed to mean. She's just always been opposed to the idea of dating a professional athlete.

In her mind, and what she's told me herself is that she doesn't want to date a guy like me because she believes that all we do is go around sleeping with other women since we're always traveling and aren't home most of the time.

That's just a horrible misconception, not all of us are like that.

I try to tell her that I'm not like those guys that she's going on about and that I want the real thing with her, but she doesn't want to hear that.

So I've learned to just leave the topic alone whenever we're around each other cause I know she doesn't want to talk about it.

No matter how hard it is for me to continue to watch her leave after our time together knowing that she isn't mine, I still make it so that seeing her come back is the most welcoming sight.

I just wished that maybe one day she realizes that I'm capable of being in a healthy relationship without having the thought of unfaithfulness on my mind.

I wasn't raised that way, but I completely understand her doubts as she was hurt before in her previous relationships.

All men aren't the same, and not all men get in a relationship just to hurt the person they claim to love.

It's all just wishful thinking for me though.

For now, I'm just gonna have to deal with our ongoing situation for as long as she wants to keep it going.

Or until I eventually physically can't take it anymore, and I just tell her exactly how I feel in hopes that she's ready.

I'm just hoping that it doesn't have to come to that.


"I know I have to come visit mama, and I will. We're gonna be out here an extra two days after my game tomorrow night so I'll make sure to come see you while I have the time."

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