✨Come back to me✨

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Remember this is all just fiction, don't take this stuff too seriously.

Just a fair warning, cause some people tend to believe stuff like this is real which is kinda sad ngl so just keep in mind what you read is all a separation from reality.

Including this imagine I've written.

Enjoy this little short one though.

Ariana's POV

In this life, you can either stand idle and literally watch time and opportunities pass you by at break neck speed or you can choose to take control and make the most out of what you have right there while still chasing whatever it is that you're striving for.

You can't just expect everything to just magically be set there for you unless that's actually the case for you then you might as well stop reading.

Now you might be wondering how this relates to my situation in any way, shape or form.

Well, relationships take a lot of work.

They won't just work out because that's how you You want it to go.

No, you actually have to put in the work to make sure that it works out in the end.

There are so many things that factor into a good and healthy relationship, you can't just put in half assed effort or no effort at all cause it won't exactly bold well for you in the end.

You might end up single and searchin.


Even single and uncertain.

Just as I am at the moment.

If I'm being honest with myself then I will say that I deserve to be in the position that I am now.

I was stupid and simply ignorant to the situation at hand.

I wish I had went about things differently to change the overall outcome, but that unfortunately is impossible.

Why is there still no such thing as time machines yet?

That would make fixing mistakes a whole lot easier cause you could simply just go back in time and not make that mistake, simple as that.

You're probably wondering what this attempt at a structured soliloquy has to do with anything in my life at the moment.

Well, it's a bit complicated but I'll tell you as I had already damaged things beyond a possible repair.

Let's just say that over the years, I tended to keep certain things from the public out of the fear of eminent ridicule that'll come if I were to ever expose myself in any way.

I didn't want to embarrass myself or my management, and more importantly I didn't want to completely destroy my brand.

That was almost impossible for me to do in this situation though.

There was pressure from both sides that truly made me want to go into hiding and never come out from it.

I couldn't run from this situation, no that wasn't even an option.

I had to find some way to deal with, and deal with it I did.

Just not in the way that I should have.

As you know now, I'm all alone.

It's all my fault truly.

I was just entirely too terrified of the backlash that may follow my revelations, and I didn't want that...but at what cost?

Losing the one person who I truly connected with at the end of the day, all because I was worried about what other people might think of me.

All because, coming out to the world to me was like revealing a secret that was never meant to be told as long as you lived.

At least that's how I felt about it.

It's foolish though really, I've never been one to value the opinions of others over my own happiness because I knew that their opinions were just that, opinions and that they had no merit whatsoever.

I just don't get what changed for me this time around that made me pay so much attention to the mindless chatter and anything else that could be seen as being being so mind numbing.

The public's judgment and speculations brought dark clouds my way and rained all over my potential parade.

At the end of the day though, no one forced my hand and made me do what I did and no one came forth speaking on my behalf to say what I had said in order to get out of my situation.

No, it was all me.

I'm the one who told her to leave, that I wanted nothing to do with her, and that it was all just a mistake; when in reality once the door shut behind her, I was on the other side of it crying my eyes out because I know what I did was entirely wrong and that I would never be happy again.

Now, I'm alone again drowning in my sorrows wondering if she's doing the same cause I know there's no chance that she picks up if I call and ask.

Been there and done that, 69 times to be exact and it's only been a whole two days since then.

All I have left are the text messages, voicemails, and images reminding of what could've been for the two of us.

Realistically the only thing I can do now is just hope and pray that in some odd and twisted turn of events that she'll forgive me no matter how unrealistic that sounds after what I'd done, and maybe just maybe she'd come back to me.

Of course a girl can only dream.

I know that'll never happen...

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