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Ariana & Y/n

Ariana's POV

"Mama, I'll talk to you when I get home later okay? I just got here, and you know how much my time is limited with him."

Her sigh was evident to me over the phone.

"Ari, I don't understand why you chose to stay with him. He's no good for you, I mean he's in prison for god's sake?!"

I rubbed my temples slightly and ran a hand through my hair.

We've been at this conversation the whole ride down here, so it was nearly two hours and honestly I was starting to get annoyed.

Trust me I love my mom, and I normally take her opinions about things in my life seriously...but not this time.

She just doesn't understand the situation.

"I've told you before, he didn't do it mama. He was setup and now he's taking the fall for what happened."

"That doesn't matter Ariana, there's no waiting for him in there. He's doing hard time, you could find somebody better instead of wasting your time waiting for him to get out."

"Look, I know you're only saying all this to me because you love and care about me. You have to let me see this out for myself, I chose to stick by him because I love and care about him like you do me. Now if I'm wrong then I'm wrong, and I'll find out about that but you have to let me do this for myself."

She didn't say anything for a minute so I became worried that she wasn't going to agree, but her sighs rang through the phone.

"Okay." I let out a big sigh of relief. "Okay Ari, but I need you to understand that this isn't gonna be easy. Your patience is going to be tested and you won't like it, but whatever you decide in the end is on you."

I nodded at Roshad and let him take my hand so I could get out of the car and head inside.

"Great, that's all I wanted hear from you. I know what I'm gonna have to do if I feel like this isn't working, so don't worry about that part."

"Oh I won't, you're a grown woman and I as your mother can only tell you so much that you'll listen to. Just do what's best for you Ari, okay?"

"I will, but listen I'll call you back later. I'm about to go inside so..."

"Alright, you go ahead then, I'll talk to you later and tell Y/n I said hi."

We both hung up simultaneously and I looked up at the building infront of Roshad and I.

"You ready to go in now, or do you need some more time?"

I wasn't so sure about my answer right now, but I knew that I had to get this over with.

I mean there are only so many visits he can have so I better try and make this one count.

I nodded silently and he leads me to the doors opening them and allowing me to walk in first.

We went through the usual of having them check our ID's and all that good stuff before we were directed to where we needed to go in order to talk to Y/n.

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