✨A divide✨

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This one is gonna be a tear jerker👀

Ariana & Y/n

Ariana's POV

"I don't get why you have to do this, we can work this out. We always do."

I watched him as he continued to carelessly grab items of clothing in multitudes from our shared closet as well as from the dressers situated in the room.

"That's the problem Ariana! We always seem to miraculously work things out when they start to go to shit and I can't do it anymore, we both know this isn't working so stop trying to keep something going that's clearly met it's end."

"I only tried to keep this dysfunctional relationship going for her Y/n!"

His head snaps towards me.

The look on his face was incredulous.

"You obviously see how that worked out for the both us, I don't see how you thought her presence would simply change the direction that this relationship was going in. At the end of the day one of us was still unhappy, so trying to force something to work when it clearly wasn't didn't help change anything in the end."

His once bright eyes were now dull and as uninviting as they possibly could be.

He looked exhausted and overworked.

I guess I never considered the fact that maybe all of this fighting would eventually take a toll on the both of us the way I see that it has now.

My eyes wandered over to a photo of the two of us sitting in its frame on my vanity next to our daughter's baby pictures.

The glass part of the frame was missing, it had been broken in one of our many fights. One of the more physical ones we had unfortunately, and neither one of us had the energy to try and replace it.

The picture itself was tattered and ripped in certain places, but much like our relationship we couldn't piece it back together as the damage had been done and was very much permanent.

There was no more faking it to try and make it work cause the well had just run dry. The sand in the hourglass had simply run out on the both of us.

I tried so hard to get to the root of our problems, but that process was like trying to connect two negative ends of a magnet together. It simply didn't work.

"What about her Y/n?" Does she not matter in this?"

He sighed looking at my face as I had finally just allowed my tears to free fall at this point.

I had been holding my emotions back in all this for quite some time so it was bound to happen.

"Don't bring her into this Ariana. You know that's not fair."

"No! What's not fair is the fact that you're failing to see what this could do to her in the long run. You and I both know what it feels like to not have the both of our parents in the house from a young age and I promised myself that I wouldn't let my son or daughter grow up like that."

That was a hard thing for me to come to terms with, I was an emotional wreck for years and I still am.

I don't think it's criminal for me to want my child to have a better upbringing than myself, I just want to do what's best for them.

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