✨3 am✨

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Ariana & Y/n


The bed has been feeling uncomfortable as of late, just like the nights I sleep in it have as they seem to go on longer than usual.

The vibe that I get night and night out seems to always get stranger as the days pass on, it's almost like there is something or somebody trying to tell me something.

I just don't know what it is right now, but I want to put that to rest at some point so that I can stop feeling like this when all I want to do is get some long needed sleep for once since I started to feel like this.

Tonight started off like any particular night would, with Ari and I doing our nightly routine before bed.

Me brushing my teeth and washing my face, while she spends an unhealthy amount of time in that steaming hot shower.

I simply shook my head at that in all honesty, cause I could never understand how women take showers in the temperatures that they set it at.

That's not exactly important though, cause tonight was the night that I aimed to finally get some real sleep for once and worrying about stuff would more than likely ruin that for me.

I finished up washing my face and set my things and towel on my side of the bathroom, before making my way out and heading towards the bed.

11:52 pm is what the clock read as I pulled the covers and sheets back in one motion.

I then proceeded to get into the bed and attempted to get comfortable as quick as one physically could, as I was very serious about getting sleep tonight.

Closing my eyes, I began to count sheep.

Cliche, yeah I know but what else am I supposed to do when I've been struggling to sleep like this?

Oddly enough though, that actually seemed to work out really well for me as I drifted off into a deep sleep.

Well more like something that felt like a deep sleep.

As things had been going for me though, I think we know exactly where this is going to go.

I tried to enjoy as much of it as I possibly could, but I was unfortunately woken up in the middle of the night once again.

Groaning, I began to turn my head towards the digital clock beside the bed but my eyes stopped on the door to the connected bathroom being closed and the light visibly on.

Swinging my feet over and off of the bed, I got up venturing over there to turn the light out.

Opening the door, I had gone in ready to turn the light out and go back to bed but I was stopped in my tracks almost immediately.

My eyes softened almost suddenly as I looked down and sawAri with her back against the tub in the middle of the bathroom with her head in her hands.

By the way her shoulders were shaking and the sounds that were emitting from her I could tell that she was crying at the moment.

Sighing I made my way over and sat down beside her contemplating what exactly it is that I should dash when I don't even know what the issue is.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2022 ⏰

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