It doesn't matter if you don't fit the society's standard. Create your own standard because at the end of the day you matter the most. I am talking to every gender out there and remember, there is more than one way to express yourself.
You can be a man and wear a dress, be pretty, pay more attention to your appearance. It's okay to wear make up or having "feminine" hobbies. getting called for not being "masculine enough" should never a be thing.
You can be a woman and be muscular. Wear suits, work a "man's" job to support the family. You can choose to not get married, or have babies until you're comfortable or when you think it's the right time. Calling out women for not being "women enough" should never be a thing.
People should realize that gender knows no bounds. Male and female are general but sometimes it's not enough to completely label yourself as.
There are a lot of ways to express yourself. Yours might not be the same as people around you. Use the advantage to be different. It's okay. It might be scary but it's worth it when you know how to be comfortable with yourself.
Poetryas humans, we feel stuffs and most of the time we express them well but often times, there are inexpressible using actions kind of feelings. for these types of feelings, people either bottle them up or pretend they never exist. I am one of those peo...