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I'm sorry if I didn't
meet your expectations.

I'm sorry you had
to went all out with me.

I'm sorry for being
a bad influence.

I'm sorry for not
being able to be stronger.

I'm sorry that I gave up.

I'm sorry if I ever made you
feel important and took it away.

I'm sorry that I can't be helped.

I'm sorry you tried to help me
but it didn't work.

I'm sorry that you believed
I'm doing fine but actually
I wasn't because I'm just
trying to get through the day.

I'm sorry that I lay down every night
asking God why am I still alive.

I'm sorry that I still ask for death.

I'm sorry that there's nothing
you can do for me.

I'm sorry that your effort was wasted.

I'm sorry that I don't want any help.

I'm sorry that I made myself this way
when I'm surrounded by people
who love me so much.

I'm sorry that I became everything
you hoped I won't be.

I'm sorry.

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