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Reigen Arataka. Self-proclaimed Greatest Psychic of the 21st Century. Founder of Spirits and Such Consultation.

He lived a rather, uncanny and venturesome life for someone his age. Men his age would be working a very dull and repetitive everyday life as a salesman. He was like that before until he broke that chain.

He met a plain looking boy with extremely powerful psychic abilities. Guiding him and teaching him morals that would benefit the boy especially.

Kageyama Shigeo or as he normally calls the boy, Mob. He always looked at the boy with a bowl cut as a younger brother he always wanted and vice versa. Through thick and thin, he could proudly say, they both stayed strong.

Even after knowing he was a fraud, Mob still stood by his side. He didn't know why, because if someone like him tricked him like that, he would've dropped them.

He was a scum, a scam, a con, anything to describe being a fraud. But did that bring him down? A little yes, but not anymore. When you've hit rock bottom, you only have one way to go and that's up.

With a new sense of self-identity (not much really has changed), he redeemed himself and continued business as it is. He did continue having clients even after that live TV scandal of his.

Speaking of clients, he was entertaining one of them. She had a rather weird and risque problem. As she had quote and quote said, her husband cannot insert his penis into her vagina because he won't fit. She can do it with other men but somehow with her husband she can't.

Along the way in their marriage, she came to know that maybe she was cursed. Her grandmother's sister used to sleep with a lot of men in their village before, going as far as being their firsts, and she was the one to suffer the consequences with someone she loves.

The atmosphere was hard to decipher as Reigen and the woman silently sat in their respective sofa chairs, the small coffee table was something separating both of them.

The woman shifted her eyes everywhere from embarrassment, she couldn't look the man in the eyes, no, she was far too ashamed. The things she had done and experienced truly did a number on her self esteem.

Reigen mentally groaned but on the outside, he looked truly interested. No words could describe what and how he was supposed to feel. Was this for real? Was he supposed to believe this?

If it was true, then it must have been hella hard to open up about these type of things. She could be desperate enough to grasp any opportunity to help her.

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