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Ever since that fateful night, something has lifted from Reigen's heavy heart. Ever since then, he was able to spot the girl during the mornings, where they would walk together and in the evenings, where it has became a routine to walk with each other now.

Today is a cloudy sunday, yet everything is still bright but it was quite comfortable. The star psychic was about to head out for some fresh air, until looking at his left, he saw the girl had also came out of her room.

Clothed in a striped brown shirt and high waisted denim shorts, the girl turned to face something as she felt a stare. Reigen only noticed the small rectangular sling bag across her body, the cute iconic face of Pikachu is plastered on it.

Reigen shamelessly checked out with a blush on his cheeks. This made (Y/N) very flattered and weirded out a little, she tried to subtly drew her legs together, her old rose slider slippers squeaking a bit which snapped out Reigen's stare.

"Oh! Uh," He clears his throat very loudly, "It's a-- a very beautiful afternoon, huh, (L/N)-san?"

"Reigen-san, I told you to just call me (Y/N).. and yeah, it is quite beautiful today..."

Oh man, his knees almost buckled out when she smiled up at him while tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. It was a crime to be that pretty and to use that move against a man like Reigen? Boy oh boy, you're gonna get him wrapped around your fingers after that.

"Where you headed to, (Y/N)?" Reigen innocently asked, yet the girl was swooning over how he said her name, how it rolled out off his alluring mouth, his tone and voice was enough for her to daydream yet again.

Of course, as much as she'd want to stare at his mouth with very weird thoughts, she opted to stare at his attire which consisted of a light green shirt, denim pants and the same slider slippers as hers but black in color.

"Just going grocery shopping, what about you, Reigen-san?"

He couldn't let go of this chance to hang out with the girl! No matter how much Brain Reigen is going to get mad, he'll do this without any hesitations.

"O-oh! I was heading out for grocery shopping too! What a coincidence, huh, (Y/N)?" He exclaimed rather loudly than necessary which scared the girl a bit.

"Let me go grab, my uh, wallet!" He shuffled back to his apartment and ran in, he scooped off his phone and wallet off the coffee table. Before he was going to open the door again, he fumbled with his high quality perfume that he rarely used, since there wasn't an occasion to use it for.

𝙈𝙍. 𝘾𝙊𝙉 𝙈𝘼𝙉; reigen aratakaWhere stories live. Discover now