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Today is yet another school day, which (Y/N) can't help but loathe a little. Not to be rude or anything but she's getting really tired seeing the same faces of her classmates and teachers.

When is high school going to end?

She sighed as she plopped her head on her table, boredom just filling her up to the brim. There wasn't anything else to do in the classroom even when Mr. Harada gave them free time.

Her classmates were gossiping and shouting, basically just like being rowdy boys. Heck, some of them of are on top of tables. The handsome teacher was probably regretting his decision to have a free period because the girls had given him 'The Puppy Eyes', what this section was very infamous of.

Gosh, everything in the room was a helter skelter.

Just when everything was about to go down, her phone rang, indicating someone was calling her. The girls near her looked at her to confirm where the sound was coming from and went back to talking after.

She trekked to where the teacher's table was and spoke her 'school voice', the one that was polite yet emotionless.

"Sir, can I go outside to answer this call?" She held up her phone to prove a point as it rang.

The teacher, who all the girls in the school considered to be very handsome, had this weird sparkle in his eyes as the girl talked to him.

"O-oh, (L/N)-san! Yes, yes you, uh, can..." He scratched his neck as his lopsided smile gave the girl weird vibes. It didn't mean it was bad, she just felt something really... weird about it.

Nodding, she checked who was calling her while she opened the door. She walked to where a window was and leaned her back on it.

It was someone she never expected to call, but she was happy nonetheless as a small genuine smile crept on her face as she accepted the call.

"Reigen-san? Is there something wrong?"

"Oh, no... Nothing, just.. I just wanted to uh, hear your voice..."

His voice felt as if it faded at the last part as it was so quiet, but she still heard it. She couldn't stop her smile, she couldn't stop it at all so she hid it with her hand.

"You're so cute, Reigen-san. I miss you too, you know..."

"I-I'm not cute!" His voice cracked as he spoke gibberish and stuttered as he kept on saying how he has faced the Dragger with such courage and that wasn't cute.

𝙈𝙍. 𝘾𝙊𝙉 𝙈𝘼𝙉; reigen aratakaWhere stories live. Discover now