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It was another tedious day in Spirits and Such Consulting Office. As the clock struck 4:20 PM (👌), Reigen slumped down on his seat and sighed heavily.

The last client was absolutely draining to take with. She kept on insisting that the reason her husband left her is because of his fear of the spirit of her last husband that still sticks with her.

Even Mob and Serizawa said there weren't any spirit, though they didn't say it out loud to save the woman from the embarassment. But Dimple told him that there weren't any spirits at all, she just quote unquote looked like the kind of woman that is so entitled and full of herself. So delusional that she thinks that her dead husband still sticks around her because he still loves her.

"Hmph, even I as a spirit won't wanna stick with her. I'd rather get exorcised."

'(Y/N) has a term for these kind of people... what was it again? a Karen?'

But after a while of talking, somehow they got to the 'you matter' and 'you are beautiful' kind of talk. Reigen then wondered why the woman kept batting her eyelashes and flirty natured after that talk.

That was all finished though, hopefully she doesn't come back.

"Excuse me, we didn't set up an appointment but can we talk with you?"

A small feminine voice came from the behind door, it was muffled but they heard it all right.

Mob then stood up to open the door for the girl, but he was a bit surprised to see two highschool girls.

Reigen was reading a book on business when the girls entered the office. He was about to look up and entertain them when two hands slammed down on his table, scaring him right off his skin.

"You're THE Reigen Arataka! I can't tell you how much of a fan I am!" 

The girl with the black bowl cut was grinning at him with admiration in her eyes as he just sat there with a mortified face with a hand on his chest.

"Kid! Don't scare me like that. I'm at the age where a heart attack can instantly kill me! I'm not that old, but still!"

"I'm so sorry about her, Mr. Reigen!"

The blond girl tried to push the other girl away by the waist but Kaneko did not budge as she clawed at the table.

Finally, she let go just for the sake the blond girl wouldn't be angry at her. But she still did lean on the table, Kaneko loved to annoy her girlfriend.

"Anyways, what brings the two of you here?"

Reigen cleared his throat from the initial shock the rowdy bowl cut gave him, immediately his businessman persona came in view.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2021 ⏰

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