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What is he supposed to do?!

The girl of his dreams is kissing him right now! Her plump pink lips felt really amazing on his, he could taste the sweet flavor from her lips as she moved her head a little to deepen the kiss.

He still wasn't moving, no! This could be a dream! But this kiss felt so real, she felt so real, his heartbeat felt so real, the tingling all over his body felt so real.

Before he could kiss back when he calmed down, the girl pulled away quickly.

She didn't feel him kissing back so she thought she was making him really uncomfortable right now with what she just done.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry, I- I wasn't thinki--"

She was shut up when Reigen leaned in for his kiss, effectively making the girl feel shocked. He started moving his lips though awkwardly, he wanted to remember this feeling, have it engraved in his mind.

She pulled away to smile sweetly and changed her position, a position that made Reigen blush really hard and something else almost got hard.

She placed herself in his lap as her hands traced to where his hands were and intertwined them, making the man all putty and soft at the action.

(Y/N) placed her lips on his again and tilted her head for better movement. As they deepened their kiss, the screams and laser sounds from the TV came blaring but that didn't stop them.

Reigen then let go of her hands, though he didn't want to, and placed it on her hips, gently squeezing and rubbing up her sides in a non sexual manner.

Her hands placed itself on his broad shoulders, tracing on his chest and back as she opened her mouth willingly for the man to put his tongue in.

It wasn't really that good of a kiss if a professional were to see them, but this was already heaven for the both of them. Just being in each other's warmth and experiencing such actions with someone they're heavily attracted to was more than enough for these touch starved peolpe.

They parted when Reigen was out of air, he cursed his lack of endurance and glanced at the saliva that connected his tongue to hers.

Compared to all her smiles and laughters, this side of hers, he really wants to see this side of her more frequently now.

Her face is a cute shade of red as her hooded eyes told him she wanted more, her lips swollen from him biting them, her tongue stuck out a little as she caught her breath quite easily.

Oh, she looked so lovely, so alluring, so bewitching, it was impossible to fall even harder for someone he already had fallen in love with.

(Y/N) on the other hand, admired the exquisite view in front of her. The man's cheeks and nose was red and he was slightly sweating, glistening the most handsome parts of this man.

His nose, his eyes, his jawline, his jugular, his lips, everything about this man just made her want to give him everything she's got.

Her love, her affections, her lame jokes, her dad puns, and yes, even her virginity. Just for this man.

She's never felt this much love from boys her age, but with someone older, it just hit really different with their mature and developed body. Most especially attractive to Reigen Arataka for her is that he is one hell of an endearing motherfucker.

So charismatic, so intelligent, so kind, everything she's always wanted in a significant other, it's all infront of her as she looked at him as he leaned in again for another kiss.

"Ah, ah, aaaah." She stopped him, very amused at the fact of how needy this guy could be when he caught his breath, he went and leaned in for another.

She tilted her head a little to give him access to her neck and Reigen felt the need to carry her to his bed, which was just five steps away, and just ravage her.

But no, he restrained himself from doing that and just breathed in the intoxicating smell of from her sweat glands.

He didn't know how to make a hickey, he's never done this before, believe it or not. So he started gently kissing all around her neck as his right hand was placed on her waist and his left on her hips.

She was breathing heavily, nothing too loud but just when the licked a very specific spot on her neck, she let out a small and shy moan.

"Aahh.. Reigen-saaan..."

From the sudden new sensation, she accidentally sat down on his half hard Little Reigen. Reigen felt the pleasure but was embarassed if it went all the way up, so he pulled the girl up and thought of something ugly to ease his boner.

When she saw him look down somewhere, she got a gist at what happened when she felt something a bit hard. So, to save him from the embarrassment, she sat a little further down and pulled Reigen in a hug.

It felt so wholesome and relaxing, just cuddling with her. He got his arms wrapped around her waist and his face buried on her shoulder, her natural scent is his new favorite smell.

As she listened to the movie's corny dialogue, she wrapped her arms around his neck, her left hand stroked and ran gently on his hair while her right gently caressed his back, tingling and tickling feelings shot up his spine.

In silence, they both sat there, basking in the warmth and love each other radiated. Reigen was just about to close his eyes when he felt soft lips placing gentle kisses on his neck.

They were soft like feathers and he absolutely melted when he felt it.

Did they need words to express how they truly felt? Yes and no. On a more spiritual level, they both knew they loved each other, the connection was their proof.

But with words, it was to confirm this unsteady feelings from within them, and talk things out.

But maybe not talk today, maybe some other time. Today, being in the arms of someone you love, basking in their warmth and affection, is top priority.

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