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It's been about almost five days since Reigen last saw his neighbor. In that long span of days, he never bumped into her in the street or even in the apartment complex.

'Maybe she went the long way home, in the city.'

Of course, it must have been his fault, being creepy and all. He understood why she would avoid him, it wasn't like he cared but huzzah! somehow he did care.

Reigen was replying to a message a client sent, a long speech of thanks for recommending the best ways to repell the Body Odor Demon. In the middle of typing though, he suddenly paused and looked at his left hand.

This was the same hand that was on his pocket when the girl gripped on his bicep when she was in fear. The very same arm that he draped around her small shoulders when he vowed back then that he'll do what it takes to protect her from that stalker.

A tingling feeling then crept on his torso's left side which scared the man a bit. Was Dimple tickling him again? Or was he having some sort of spleen disease?

Suddenly, the girl's sweet alluring smile as she's tucked on his left side with his arm around her flashed as a memory in Reigen Arataka's brain.

His right hand then softly caressed the part of his left side that tingled, tickling his self a little in the process.

He's read these sort of things on a psychology book before, the moment how to recognize someone who is deeply infatuated.

If he remembers correctly, infatuation is the 'state of being completely carried away by unreasoning passion or love; addictive love. Infatuation usually occurs at the beginning of relationship when sexual attraction is central.'

Reigen Arataka silenced all thoughts in his mind as he thought the passage through. It seemed to hit him in every way possible because he finally realized and admits that the girl he met five nights ago is very attractive.

Goddamnit, he is an adult! He is not supposed to feel this way for a minor! That went against EVERY morals and rules he had. He is heavily attracted to women his age and it should stay that way, not to some-- some minor with soft legs, pretty eyes, plump pink lips.

There were two Reigens fighting inside his body; Brain Reigen and Heart Reigen.

"B-But, what about her smile? It seemed like a sure future for us just seeing her smile." Heart Reigen swooned and glanced at Brain Reigen who also had a lovestruck expression on his face.

𝙈𝙍. 𝘾𝙊𝙉 𝙈𝘼𝙉; reigen aratakaWhere stories live. Discover now