Episode 03

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Wow he's early I thougt looking at Usaida who was doing the chores that I usually did. He noticed me and rushed towards me whie putting his hands out. "Huh?" I tilted my head questioningly. It took me a while to realize what he meant. I showed him my hands indicating that I'm empty. He looked shocked at first then looked down with a sad expression. I ruffled his hair and went to class.

Some of the boys were creating ruckus because they did not get chocolates. Ryuichi did not take any chocolates because of his mindlessness while Hayato just rejected them. These made the boys even more pissed. Thank God I didn't make them any chocolates.

After school

A good looking guy came into the club room. He's hot! He looked at me which made me blush. Get your shit together Tsubasa. Apparently he wanted to join the club. He seems like he could handle the kids well with the way he's interacting with them. I smiled looking at them before something caught my eyes. Blood? Heh? Heh?! What is he? A child loving deviant?! Another handsome guy came in the club to take him away. Wah these hot guys seem like danger I smiled with sweat forming on my forehead. Taka came towards me pulling my skirt. "I wanna have chocolates!" He said cutely. I carried him rubbing my cheeks with his. "Tomorrow I will bring you all delicious chocolates so you can rest easy for today".

The next day we had gym class in the first period. It was a chilly morning making it hard to stand with shorts on. I was talking with Hayato and Ryuichi when Usaida called out to us. There we saw the kids in a cage being wheeled over by him. I went towards the kids and carried Kirin in my arms. Ahh natural heaters. Usaida smiled at me then at the boys and said "It's nice to see young people with so much energy in shorts ... just looking at you makes me cold" I glared at him before taking his hat off and wearing it. "Not giving" I hissed. He smiled like an idiot. Suddenly few of the boys rushed towards the kids causing them all to scatter away. I understand their feelings but I smacked someone on the head when he came to take Kazuma who was hiding between legs. From the corner of my eyes I saw someone strange staring at the kids. Oh no I saw Takuma get inside the bushes. I carried Kazuma along with Kirin and was about to call for help when I realized who it was. By the time I understood, it was late and he was knocked unconscious by Hayato. After that Ryuichi and Hayato carried him to the club room while me and Usaida took care of the kids.

I gave Mr. Mamizuka an icepack and started laughing. "You actually look like the villain in your movie" I said in between laughs. He did not look so proud of himself. "Since you came here, why don't you stay and play with the kids today?" I asked before looking at Usaida who nodded at me. Mr. Mamizuka did not seem confident enough so I gave him a slight nudge causing him to blush a little. "We have class now. So we better go. Kazuma, Takuma be nice to your daddy alright?" I squished their cheeks before going to class with Ryuichi and Hayato.

After school

Things didn't seem to be any better. Kazuma's crying did not stop. When I opened the door, Kazuma ran up to me and hugged my legs while crying. I carried him and went to his father who was also in tears. This guy cries a lot doesn't he. Kazuma somehow resembles him while Takuma resembles his mother. "Wipe your tears please. You're showing the children worst side of parenthood" I said giving him a tissue. I calmed Kazuma down while Takuma rested his hands on my lap. I saw Mr. Mamizuka stare at us which made me feel bad for him. He suddenly got up and apologized for interrupting before going away. I spoke to the twins making them understand a few things when suddenly we heard screaming outside. I handed the twins to Hayato and Ryuichi and dashed to Mrs. Mamizuka. Things finally cooled down and we got to know the reason why Kazuma was so terrified of his father. The family in front of me made me so happy that I had few tears escaping. Ryuichi put his hand on my shoulder and smiled. I wish I could have such a loving family when I grow up.


Please let me know my mistakes.
Thank you for reading episode 03.

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