Episode 06

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I was on my way to the grocery store when someone called out to me. Yagi Tomoya? He jogged upto me. "I'm going to Ryuichi's house, will you accompany me?" he asked me with a smile. "Are you sure?" I asked with uncertainty. "Of course. Let's go!" He said before pulling my arm.

Going inside the house we were greeted by Ryuichi who led us to a boy stuck in the bushes. I went towards him to help him when I heard liquid squirting. "Tomoya!" I handed him a tissue. "Thank you Tsubasa" he said with a smile. "Please don't, it seems really creepy".

Apparently, the kid who got stuck was Chukichi's brother- Kichi and since Chukichi is in work, Tomoya came to help. After asking Kichi what happened, he told us everything. I sat in front of him and talked to with him, making him understand a few things. Out of nowhere another Kichi popped out of the bushes. Twins? Oh my God so adorable!! "What's your name?" I asked the boy while smoothing his hair out. "S-suekichi" he said almost blushing. He's so shy aww.

After Tomoya told the kids about their brothers childhood, the twins realized their mistake and wanted to apologize. "Onee-chan, I'm ready to come out. Pull me" Kichi said putting his hands towards me. I smiled at him before pulling him out causing him to fall on my stomach. His face was a deep shade of red. "Why did I have you to pull me out?!" Suekichi glared and kicked Tomoya. Tomoya seems like he's enjoying this.

We all then went towards the gate to find Chukichi in front of the gates. He at first looked shocked seeing his brothers holding my hands and hiding behind me but then quickly recovered before giving me and Ryuichi a box of sweets. "Why for me?" I asked in confusion. "They seem to have taken a liking to you" he said smiling at me with a slight blush. We then took our leave and headed for home.

At school

Usaida was bullying Taka while talking about how bad it is for a teacher to bully their student. "You're the one bullying" I smacked his head taking the toy from him and giving it back to Taka.

"Oh?" Ryuichi looked surprised. "What's wrong?" I asked eating my lunch. "Look like I forgot my lunch" replied Ryuichi scratching the back of his neck. I passed him my strawberry juice telling him to drink it. He blushed hard and thanked me. He was about to sip from the box when he was suddenly stopped by a girl and a few boys.

The girl wanted to give her lunch to him while the boys were jealous. Instantly they filled up Ryuichi's table with food. Hayato quickly took away the juice box and handed it to me. "Isn't it nice to have such caring classmates?" Hayato told with sarcasm patting Ryuichi's shoulder.

"Wah finally finished!" I said stretching my arms. "Areh Kotaro?" I stared at the kid who was in front of the door. I nudged Ryuichi on the chest showing him Kotaro who had a lunch box. "But he must be already full" a guy said and instantly Hayato shoved his bread into that guy's mouth. "Shut your face" I glared at the boy. Ryuichi carried Kotaro and went outside. Anyone who likes Ryuichi has Kotaro as their biggest rival.


Please let me know my mistakes.
Thank you for reading episode 06

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