Episode 04

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I sent off Ryuichi to stick the club recruitment poster on the notice board while I took care of Kotaro. The door opened and all of the kids rushed towards Ryuichi making him lose his balance. A paper slipped from his hands and landed on Kotaro's face. "At least take it off before reading" I pulled Usaida's hair and removed the poster. Seems like he couldn't put it. "Why don't we go for a walk and look into other clubs?" I suggested. "Yes we could plus at this time anyone is free to look at any club" Usaida joined me. "Okay we are going then" I said merrily lining the kids. I handed Usaida the banter for our club and walked alongside the kids.

People were staring at us and suddenly an idea popped in my head. "Let's do the parade kids" I said clapping my hands together. We reached the drama club first. Mrs. Kumatsuka should be here. A ghost appeared in front of us making me stumble backwards. "Ahh!" Ryuichi supported me from the back and helped me to stand properly. The ghost -Mrs. Kumatsuka- congratulated us on entering highschool and wanted us to join the club. "Haha no, thank you" I declined with a smile. I don't do ghost.

The kids ran off causing me to go after them. We arrived in front of cooking club. "Mmm something smells good" Usaida spoke from behind me. "Yeah i-" I turned towards him and felt my heart leap out of my chest. "What in the world are you even doing?!" I shrieked at him. "Midori and I were playing with SFX makeup" he replied smugly. "Go wash it off right now" I said in a low tone and went inside the club with the kids. Apparently Inomata put some sweet batter into the oven to bake which made Taka crave for something sweet. Because he started making a ruckus I carried him out of the room and told him "I brought some chocolates you wanted yesterday so if you calm down I'll give it to you". Soon he became quiet obeying my words. "Let's go see the baseball club. You can see your Nii-chan" I smiled at him and put him down. His eyes sparkled and he rushed off with Kotaro.

We reached the field and saw the boys practicing. Hayato saw Taka looking at him but he turned his head away. He ignored us. Taka started crying making Hayato come over and smacked his head. "Hayato you idiot" I said calming Taka down. Ryuichi seemed lost in his tracks gazing at the field. I pushed the kids towards him making him come back to his senses. Ryuichi suddenly took off saying he had something important to do. Kotaro seemed to think of something and ran off towards the field. "Kota no running please" I went after him. Seeing Kotaro tug on Hayato's pant both Usaida and I understood what he meant and explained it to Hayato.

Hayato took off with Kotaro in his arms and we were suddenly greeted by Inomata running towards us with packets in her hands. At the end of the day, we seemed to have got a new member. I pulled out the new aprons and handed it over to the boys. They seemed to take a liking to it...or not. It gives Hayato a soft image I giggled at the thought. Taka looked really happy with his brother present. The cookies Inomata gave us were almost inedible making it hard for the kids causing me to give them the chocolates I made yesterday. They all ate it with a satisfied smile. Kotaro then came towards me and put his hands on my lap "make us cookies also please". I almost cried my eyes out when I heard him say something like that. It was the first time he ever asked anything from me. "Yes of course! Tomorrow I will bring you all cookies!" I love these kids so much.


Please let me know my mistakes.
Thank you for reading episode 04.

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