Chapter 1

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                                         KATIE'S POV
It's been exactly a full year since that horrific night Ember was taken from us, and almost a full year, eleven month's to be exact since the night Adam and I slept together. We both never meant for it to happen, it just did. We've been together ever since.

We started having small issue about 3 months into the relationship, around the same time that we went to visit Matt and Ember after she had gotten saved. We were unfortunately asked to leave their house because Ember got anxious with us being there.

Adam and I would argue non stop about how he acted with Ember that night because of his feeling's towards Matt, then we would make up.... More than once (wink wink), then promise to eachother that it would never happen again, but week's later there we were again back at it fighting about the same exact thing...Matt!!, and how childish I thought Adam was being by not talking to him and resolving the situation.

And not to mention the fact that EVERYONE was suffering because of it. I've tried to reason with him over and over that it effects everyone, not just the two of them. But like the man child that he is, he's digging his heals in like a little kid having a temper tantrum.... Fucking men!!.

"ADAM MICHAEL ROTH!!, There are you going??".

"OUT!!!, if that's alright with you KATIE LOUISE HARRIS!!".... "I can use full names to you know!!".

"I am not done talking to you about this, you need to fix this Adam".

"Drop it Katie!!!".

"No I wont, it's been a damn year Adam".


"By the way, I know what you are trying to do Katie".

"Oh!?, and what's that Adam?". "Trying to get you to come to your senses?". "Trying to make you see how stupid this all is?". "Trying to get 2 friend's back together, because it's clearly not fucking working Adam".

"NO!!, You are trying to piss me off so that we get into a heated argument and end up fucking our frustrations out on eachother"... "Well it's not fucking happening Katie". "So drop it".

He's not wrong that's what usually happens, but not this time. I actually do really want to see the two of them get their friendship back.

"You are such a moron Adam". "Do you honestly think that I just LOOOVE fighting with you just for sex???". "News flash asshole, I can get it whenever I want, you don't exactly make it that difficult for me to get Adam"... "But just fucking go, I can't even stand to look at you right now".

With that Adam grab's he's key's to his truck from off the counter and storms out of the house.

                                     ADAM'S POV

I climb into my truck and start it up but just sit there for a moment. I slam my fists down on the steering wheel in total frustration.

"What the FUCK are you doing Adam, you know she is right". "Why the hell are you being so damn stubborn?".

Ho!!, I forgot i'm a Roth. And Roth men are stubborn as fuck.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Adam?".

I know that I'm just talking to myself, so I don't expect anyone to answer me.

"So now what's your plan Adam??, she's to pissed off right now for you to go back in there". "So I guess a drive it is then"..... "Where too??, fuck if I know".

Three Hour's later I tread back in the house with caution Wondering if the coast is clear.

"Babe??"......"BABE!!!, where are you?".

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