Chapter 9

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                                          KATIE'S POV

It's been three week's now and therapy seems like it may be starting to work. The communication between, Adam and I is getting better, we spend alot more of our free time together. And i've moved back full time into our bedroom.

We still haven't been intimate but, Dr. De Luca said that will take time because we are technically starting over.

Because of what happened, it's alot harder for me to trust again. And it's an every day constant worry that it will happen again no matter how many times, Adam tries to tell me it's behind him so I guess time will tell.

But today is not about us so I have to push those thought's aside for now because today is about my best friend, Avory Lynn May. Today is her birthday, she's finally turning nineteen and boy oh boy do I have a surprise for her.

She doesn't know it yet, but we are throwing her a surprise birthday party/passion party for her because the poor girl NEED'S some help with her none existent sex life, in the fact that she doesn't have one. But if we tell her the type of party it is she won't show, so we had to be sneaky about it. Then after the birthday/ passion party it's off to the strip club so we can stuff some dollar bill's down some hot AF sexy guy's G-string.



It still bothers me when I think about him in the shower by himself and what he could be doing, and who he could be thinking about. I finish putting on my dress and applying my make-up and wait for, Adam in the livingroom.

About ten minutes later, Adam comes out looking sexy as fuck in his fancy dress shirt and black fitted jeans, and a watch to go on his wrist.

"Babe, you look sexy AF in that dress".

"You look pretty hot yourself, Babe".

"We should get going, Adam we still have to go pick up, Avory and it's almost 7:30 already".

I grab my purse and, Adam grab's his key's and we head to the truck to go pick, Avory up.

We get to, Avory's place about fifteen minutes later and she steps out in this sexy metallic low cut backless mini dress.

"Holy shit, she looks amazing". "Somebody sure grew up this past year".


"What!?". "So now your the only one who can comment on our friend's appearance?". "You are seriously going to tell me that i'm not even allowed to have a fucking opinion on a friend's appearance now, Katie?". "That's fucked up".

"Just drop it, this isn't about us tonight, Adam".

"Then maybe you should stop making it about us, Katie and everything will be just fine".

He roll's his eye's at me. Ok, so maybe we still have a few kinks to work out between us, but tonight isn't about us it's about, Avory.

I also had talked to, Matt and, Ember about attending the first part of, Avory's birthday party and they said they would try and make a brief appearance as, Ember's comfort level is still not one hundred percent.

We went to the venue earlier today to make sure everything was set up and ready to go, it looked so amazing.

We arrive at the venue after picking, Avory up. I got us a private room for the birthday/passion party portion of the night. Then we can all just move over next door when we feel like it and so nobody has to drive, because me being the amazing awesome friend I am actually rented out the entire building for tonight so that, Avory could have the best birthday possible and so that, Ember could join if they decide to come and stay longer. When, Avory stepped out of the truck, her eye's went wide and her mouth hit the ground.

"Blissfully Yours". (Book 2)(Very Mature Content!!. 18+)(TRIGGER WARNING).Where stories live. Discover now