Chapter 13

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                                        DATE NIGHT
                                        KATIE'S POV


Adam saunters into the bedroom with a goofy grin on his face standing at the doorway as I am frantically rummaging through our closet for something to wear. I turn around and star at him waiting for an answer so I can continue to decide what to wear.

"Well!?". "Are you going to give me any clues as to where you are taking me?, Or are you just going to continue standing there with that goofy grin and make me guess".

He walks over to me and wrap's me in his arms from behind kissing me on the cheek before he finally speaks.

"Katie my love, anything you wear will be stunning". "I promise you".

I furrow my brows and huff, displeased with his answer.

"You are impossible!".

I wriggle out of his grasp and dive back into our closet rummaging through the racks of clothes as he goes and waits for me in the livingroom. I finally deciding on an outfit that i'm still not entirely satisfied with. But not knowing where we are going, this will just have to do.

I apply the finishing touches to my make-up and walk out of the bedroom to the livingroom. Adam is sitting on the couch watching t.v. waiting patiently for me to finish. When I come out into the livingroom he glances over and I can see his chest rise and fall and his breath hitch as I stand in the doorway. I clear my throat to try and get his attention.



"Are you ready to go?".

"Oh yes!, of course". "Shall we?".

He turns the t.v. off stands up and walks over to me grabbing my hand and interlocking our finger's. I look over to Adam as we head out to the truck.

"You look handsome babe".

He mindlessly look's down at his outfit shrugging his shoulders.

"I figured I would put on a monkey suite just for you babe".

He looks at me grinning from ear to ear, leans over and kisses me before he opens the door to the truck and gestures for me to get in. He then jogs to the driver's side of the truck and get's in.

"You are such a goofball babe, I love you".

I kiss his cheek and settle into my seat in anticipation for what's to come for the evening.

"I love you too Katie bear".

About twenty minutes later and we are pulling up to this quaint little restaurant.

It's new, not a place we have ever been before. I look over to Adam who is already looking over at me with a smile on his face.

"What is this place Adam?".

"Use your senses baby, what do you smell?".

I scrunch my nose up and sniff the air.

"I smell your aftershave!".

I look at him with a big grin on my face.

"Very funny smarty pants". "Now!, what do you smell Katie?".

I sniff the air once again and get a hint of something delicious, something that I can't quite put my finger on. Then it hits me. I look at him grinning from ear to ear.

"Blissfully Yours". (Book 2)(Very Mature Content!!. 18+)(TRIGGER WARNING).Where stories live. Discover now