Chapter 11

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                                       ADAM'S POV

As I left the house and drove, I couldn't help but think about what has happened over the past year and five month's. The pure hell i've put, Katie through and all the added heartache and devastation i've caused her. That end's today.

I will no longer allow myself to hurt the woman with whom I love dearly, even if I don't alway's show it in the best of way. I have to cut all ties with HER. I can no longer allow HER the access, the CONTROL to any part of my life in any way... Thought, Body, Mind or Soul. Katie is my world and only, Katie. I know I will have to regain the trust back that i've lost with her, and I know it won't come easy. I don't expect it to. They say nothing in life is worth having if you don't have anyone to share it with. And as of today, the only person I want to share the rest of my life with is, Miss Katie Louise Harris, my world!.

I pull up to this building that isn't anything fancy or to be desired for one final time with fresh new eye's on the task at hand, because now my life has purpose and I have, Katie to thank for that. The realization of the possibility that I could lose her to another man nearly destroyed me. I have to do right I have to be better if not for me then for, Katie. I knock on this door one final time.

             KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK

"Adam, Baby!". "What are you doing here?".

I literally fucking cringed when she call's me, Baby this time. I used to love it, now it just makes me angry.

"Don't call me that, Mallory".

"Awww!". "Did you have another bad day, Daddy". "Come here and let, Mommy make you feel all better".

She tries to paw at me, putting her hands all over my body and I grab her wrists removing her hands off my body.

"Mallory we need to talk". "This can't wait".

She looks at me longingly as she steps to the side letting me in.

"And put some damn clothes on"

Mallory suddenly get's this glint in her eye. I'm sure she thinks she still has me hooked, she doesn't!.

She gets brave again and defies my request reaching down and in one swift motion she's pulled off my shirt and start's un-buckling my pants and lowering my zipper.

Pulling them down to the floor along with my boxer's letting my cock fall free. I know what she's trying to do. It's what, Katie used to do when she wanted something from me. Piss me off enough and I give in. Well not today, Sweetheart. And definitely not with you.

"Come on, Daddy let me make you feel better". "Mommy, know's just how much you love the thing's I can do for you". "Let, Mommy remind you, Baby".

She's not wrong, I did used to love the thing's she did to me. She grab's ahold of my cock and for just a minor split second I lose myself, my head starting to tilt back from the pleasure she is giving me but I catch myself and shake my head back to reality, instantly remove her hands once again.

"STOP!, Mallory". "Get your hands off of me and put some damn clothes on".

I pull up my pants zipping them up and grab my shirt putting it back on as, Mallory reluctantly does as she's told and puts on her robe. In a snotty remark she finally replies.

"Why are you here, Adam if you don't want anything from me?".

"I'm only here to tell you that this...".

I gesture around the room and between us.

"Is over between us, what we had going on is finished". "I love my girlfriend, and I won't allow you or anyone else for that matter to screw with that any longer". "We are OVER, Mallory".

"Blissfully Yours". (Book 2)(Very Mature Content!!. 18+)(TRIGGER WARNING).Where stories live. Discover now