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I wake up and sigh. I stand up. I go have a quick shower and step out after a minutes. I dry myself off and put underwear on. I then go find an outfit to wear for a Friday! I slide on black jeans and a black tank top. I slide on a black leather jacket. I slide on black boots. I brush my hair and put my hair in a half up half down hairstyle. I do natural make up. I go downstairs and have porridge. I roll my eyes at the table. Carlie left before me. Great. I grab my bag and leave. 

I begin the walk when I hear my name. "Hey why you walking?" asked Wyatt. "Carlie left before me so here I am" I say. "Hop on" said Wyatt. I hop on and he drives to school. Once we get there I hop off. "Thank you" I say, smiling. Wyatt nods and we walk in together. Willa walks over. "Hey what took you long, Wyatt?" asked Willa. "Her cousin never waited to drop her to school so I did it" said Wyatt. "OK. Your sweet for once" said Willa. "Gee thanks" said Wyatt. I go to my locker and grab some stuff. Once I get to class and sit down, Willa walks over and sits beside me. I smile at her. 

"So do you like Wyatt?" asked Willa. "Well he is nice and accepts me" I say. "No... as more than friends" said Willa. "I've only known him like 3/4 days or something" I say. "Right. It's never too early" said Willa. "It is. I had an ex and I used to wear a wig ALL the time but once time when he found out about my hair.... he dumped me for a girl with proper blonde hair. Not white" I say, looking down. "Well Wyatt isn't like that.... I swear I promise" said Willa. "I know that but I can't open my heart" I say. "Oh OK. When your ready fall for Wyatt though" said Willa. I laugh and nod. Class begins and it's boring. It's March by the way so nearly over this year.  

I look around and the bell rings eventually. I go to lunch and I sit beside Wyatt. He smiles at me. I smile back. He has really beautiful eyes. Really beautiful. I smile and he smiles back. "You have pretty eyes. Reminds me of Jack frost kinda. Blue eyes and white hair" smiled Wyatt. "Oh wow. I... nice" I smile. I pick at my food. Willa smirks at me. 

The rest of the day was boring. Wyatt drives me home. "You don't have to do this" I say. "OK but I want too. Anyway there is a party tonight, wanna come?" asked Wyatt. "Um... OK" I smile. "I'll pick ya up at 6?" said Wyatt. "I'd love that" I smile. I go inside. "I'm hanging with some friends tonight" I say. Mum just nods. "OK" said dad. Carlie is on her phone. I have a quick dinner and then go look for an outfit.

Is this too much? I text Willa a picture and of course she said yes wear it

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Is this too much? I text Willa a picture and of course she said yes wear it. So I will. I slide a leather jacket on and leave. I curled my hair and topped up my make up. I go outside and Wyatt is standing there. He blushes. "You look nice" said Wyatt. "Thank you, Wyatt... so do you" I smile. 

We leave and we finally make it. Addison is over with Zed talking. I look around and Wyatt grabs my hand. "Want a drink?" asked Wyatt. I nod and we go over. We drink and dance. I smile. Wyatt soon drives me home. I hug him and walk inside. I go to my room and put my pyjama's on. I slide into bed.

Aly_Anderson: Throwback to my wig phase! On a holiday and couldn't get it wet unless I take it off! Anyway I love my white hair! 

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Aly_Anderson: Throwback to my wig phase! On a holiday and couldn't get it wet unless I take it off! Anyway I love my white hair! 

I soon fall asleep.

I hope Wyatt isn't like my ex!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Lorna xx

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