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I wake up and go have a quick shower. I go find an outfit afterwards. I slide on a white bodysuit and jeans. I put on a brown jacket. I slide on white heels and go downstairs. Carlie looks at me. "Trying hard for wolf boy" said Carlie. "No. For me." I said. She nods and walks outside. I sit down and mum hands me porridge. I thank her and then I stand up. I wash my bowl and spoon. Mum glances at me. "So who were your friends?" asked mum. "Just some people from school" I said. "Wolves, weren't they" said mum. "Mum... their really nice" I said. "No more wolves or zombies, missy. You hear me" said mum. I just nod and walk outside. I walk to the park. I sit on a bench when I see Wyatt. 

He walks over and sits beside me. "What's wrong?" asked Wyatt. "Um... mum found out about you being wolves and forbade me from hanging with you" I said, frowning. "Oh" said Wyatt. "But I am still gonna be your friend though" I said, smiling. Wyatt nods and takes my hand. "Everything will be OK," said Wyatt. "I hope so" I said, nodding. I grip his hand and place my head on his shoulder. "Everything will be OK, I promise" said Wyatt. I nod against his shoulder. "Wyatt.... does the Great Alpha actually exist?" I ask. "She does. I can sense her" said Wyatt. I nod and he kisses my head. 

I like him. I like him. Oh shit. I sit up and look around. "Want ice cream" I said. "OK... let's go" said Wyatt. We stand up and walk to the ice cream shop. I get vanilla while he gets chocolate. I sense someone watching me. I look over to a dark alley and a man with glowing eyes is staring at me. I poke Wyatt and he turns around. "Oh fuck. Let's go" said Wyatt. We leave and go to their pack house. We sit down and Willa looks at us. "A vampire was watching Alyssa" said Wyatt. I nod. "It's creepy" I said. Willa nods and goes to the kitchen. Wyatt looks at me. "We can always guard your house secretly if we have too" said Wyatt. I look at him. "No. Not yet" I said. He nods and stands up. "Wanna go to my room?" asked Wyatt. I blush. I nod and stand up. We walk inside and sit on the bed.

"OK so any boyfriends or ex?" asked Wyatt. "One" I said. "Was he good to you?" asked Wyatt. "One... Chase Mitchell. He dumped me when he found out about my hair." I said. "His a shit boy"  said Wyatt. "He is. I hate him" I said. He nods and we go outside. "What were you two doing?" asked Willa. "Oh talking about my ex Chase" I said. "Oh right. His an arsehole" said Willa. I smile and look around. 

The rest of the day was fun. Wyatt drops me home. I hug him goodbye. I walk inside and go to my room. Carlie walks inside. "Where were you?" asked Carlie. "Out. It's none of your business Carlie on what I do" I said. She walks away and I roll my eyes. I look around and sigh. I hate her. I hate my family. I go on Instagram. 

Aly_Anderson: Today was such a good day! I loved today!

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Aly_Anderson: Today was such a good day! I loved today!

I put on my pyjama's and lie on my bed. I do some work and then I decide to fall asleep. 

Today was good!

I hope you enjoyed!

Lorna xx

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