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I wake up and go have a quick shower. I slide on a crop top, sweatpants and converse. I put my hair in a bun and don't bother with make up. I go grab a zip up hoodie. I go down and have toast. I go outside and see Wyatt. I hop on and we go to school. We walk inside and everyone is talking. 

I go to my locker and grab some books. We go to class and we just sit down. I look around and Wyatt smiles at me. "So I wonder when Carlie will be officially announced as Queen" said Wyatt. "Soon, I think. Charles wants to probably" I said. Wyatt nods and Willa walks in. She sits in front of us. "So how are you guys?" asked Willa. "Good" I said, smiling. "Same here" said Wyatt. Willa smiles and the class begins. I smile and it was actually a fun time. 


I find our table and sit beside Wyatt. He kisses my forehead. "Hoping after school when we go for dinner we get peace and quiet" smiled Wyatt. "Same here, Wyatt" I said, smiling. I dig into my sandwich and we just talk. Soon lunch is over and we're back in school. Classes are pretty boring right now and when we finish, we're delighted. 

I sigh and look around. The diner we eat at was busy so we went to a different one. We stay till around 8pm. It's dark out so we know to be careful. As we're walking something doesn't feel right. We bump into someone and we jump. Their so cold. They smell.... dead. I look at them. "Your vampires" said Wyatt. They smirk. "Where is Charles and Queen Carlie?" asked the vampire. "Why do you want them for?" asked Wyatt. "Well we should be the Royals of Vampires... not them!" said the vampire. Evil vampires? "Look you shouldn't be here. Your evil and we have no time for this! You cannot touch them!" I said, growling. He steps closer to me. Wyatt pushes me back and stands in front off me. "Fuck off vampire" snarled Wyatt. They frown and rush off. I sigh and grab Wyatt's hand. "We need to tell the wolves, vampires and zombies" I said. Wyatt grabs my face, gently. "Are you OK?" asked Wyatt. "Yes. He didn't touch me" I said. We rush to the pack house and we rush in. I texted Carlie, Zed and Addison on the way home to meet us here. When we get inside everyone is there. "We ran into vampires who want to be the King and Queen" I said. "What" said Charles. "Yeah. One of them had blonde hair and weird eyes and the other had purple hair and green eyes." said Wyatt. "Ethan and Michael. My brothers" said Charles. "Shit" said Willa. 

"What do we do?" asked Wynter. "We make a plan" said Charles. We sit around and plan. Afterwards me and Wyatt go to the park to just unwind and be ourselves without planning for a mission thing. We sit on the bench. "So homework is pain" said Wyatt. I laugh. "It is. I hate it. Wyatt.... I just want to say thank you. For welcoming me to Seabrook" I said, smiling. "Hey, you were something special and I will never let you down" said Wyatt. I smile and kiss him. We go to Burger King for a later night snack. 

We go to my house and I go inside. "Where is Carlie?" asked dad. "Friends" I said. I begin to walk away and mum grabs my wrist. "We're going on a date night." said mum. They left. I text Wyatt to come over. I open the door as soon as I hear a knock. 

I open the door and kiss him. We go to my room and his gonna stay the night. "You can stay.... just be quiet" I said, smiling. He nods and kisses me. We watch a movie and well that ends up with us sleeping together. When we finish I slide on his top so I'm not naked. We fall asleep cuddled. My door is locked just in case they come in here. 

Today was great but the evil vampires? Shit. We're in trouble. 

Chapter 12 and I hope you enjoyed!

Lorna xx

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