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Being 8 months pregnant. I have a quick breakfast and Wyatt looks at me. He kisses me and I kiss back. I smile at him and I sigh. "We have to meet my parents" I said. "I know" said Wyatt.  I look around and we clean up a bit and then we decide to go now. 

We finally get there and Carlie and Charles are there. We go in and mum and dad are standing there. They gasp when they spot my bump. I'm not hiding it from them. They let us in. "I'm the Queen of Vampires and this is my mate Charles" said Carlie. "And I'm 8 months pregnant and this is my boyfriend Wyatt. I'm the Great Alpha of their pack." I said. "Your dating a wolf and you are a wolf" said mum. I just nod. They roll their eyes and we just decide to leave. 

We go home and Zed is sitting there. I look at him and his crying. "Addison went back to the Aliens" said Zed. "What? That's insane" I said. "It is horrible but I should go home. I just came to tell ya she left" said  Zed and he left. I sigh and we go inside. I sit on our bed and Wyatt hugs me.

"Let's go visit him, to cheer him up" I said. "Yes! He needs a pick me up!" said Wyatt. We go grab some sweets and chocolate. We begin to drive there and we knock. His dad opens the door. "Hey is Zed here?" asked Wyatt. "Yeah... his in his room... heartbroken" said Mr Necrodopolis. "OK" I said. We go to his room and we knock. He lets us in. "Hey we're here to check up on you and make you a little bit happier" said Wyatt. 

We talk, eat and laugh. Until I feel water fall from the middle of my legs. "My waters broke! It's too early! It's only July! I'm only 8 months!" I said. Wyatt helps me to the car and drives to the hospital. We get checked in and bought to a room. Linda walks in and smiles. "OK well everything will be fine... we will monitor you" said Linda. I nod and look around. 

Wyatt hugs me and whispers happy thoughts. Soon I am told to push. I push and push. Eventually we hear a whimper which is apparently normal. They take the baby away. "It's a girl but because of being born early she will be in an incubator for around 4 weeks and after if she is healthy then she will be let home or we could keep her to her due date. It's the 23rd March" said Linda. We nod and Wyatt kisses me. "Mabel Rae Lykensen" said Wyatt. "Agree" I said. They clean me up and then let us visit our baby girl. We smile at her. "Your so cute and you will be amazing and do amazing here" I said. 

We go back to our room and we have food. I look at Wyatt. "We'll be home before Mabel is home" I said. "I know." said Wyatt. He takes my hand. "Hey she's strong" said Wyatt. "I know it's just.... I wish she stayed in" I said. "So do I, but she's here." said Wyatt. Linda comes in. "She is a very healthy baby.... your lucky. Because of you both being wolves and your the Great Alpha she could be able to heal really fast" said Linda. We smile. "Thankful for being a wolf" said us both. Linda smiles and leaves. Willa, Wynter and Zed walk in. "Where's is your baby?" asked Willa. "She's in an incubator... born early but because of being wolves means she could heal fast" I said. "Oh how awesome is that" said Willa. I smile and nod. "Wanna go see her? Mabel Rae" I said. They nod. 

They are in awe over Mae. She is so cute! I love her already. Hopefully she looks like Wyatt but we will never know. We fall asleep after our friends leave.

Hopefully she'll be fine!

It's nearly over! Sad face :(

Hope ya enjoyed!

Lorna xx

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