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I wake up and sigh. Another day in school. I sit up and go to stand up. I go to my wardrobe and put on jeans, a black top and converse. I slide a belt through the belt holes and put my hair in a ponytail. I do light make up and go downstairs. Carlie is already there. She's wearing a body suit and black pants. I sit down and mum hands me avocado and brown bread toasted. She hands me water and I just dig in. I soon finish and get in Carlie's car. She parks outside the gates. "Get out. I don't want to be seen with you" said Carlie. I roll my eyes and step out. She drives away. I walk into the school building. 

I spot Wyatt and he waves me over. I walk over and he smiles. "So did you walk?" asked Wyatt. I shake my head. "Carlie drove me but parked outside the gate" I say. "Ah right" said Wyatt. Wynter and Willa look at me. "Do you want us to talk her?" asked Willa. "No. I'm used to it" I say, frowning. I go to my locker and then I go to Maths. I sit down and look around. Wyatt walks in and sits down. He smiles at me and I smile back at him. I begin to take down notes. 

At lunch I sat with Wyatt and the wolves. He smiles at me. "You have unique hair" said Wyatt. "Oh yeah. I tried to dye it but it just turns back to white" I say. He nods. "Oh right. Ask Addison.... she has the same hair and it won't dye" said Wyatt. I look around for her and wow same hair. I will ask her after all school. 

Classes drag by and then I find Addison. "Hey Addison.... um.... can you dye your hair?" I ask. "No. The wolves thought I was the Great Alpha but turned out I wasn't. I have the necklace since they gave it to me. I tried to dye this hair but it won't dye.... why?" asked Addison. "I can't dye mine either" I say. "Oh right" said Addison. I nod and walk away after saying bye. Carlie is gone and so is Wyatt. I guess I'll walk home. As I'm walking I sense someone following me. A motorbike stops beside me. "Wyatt?" I ask. "Yes, get on. Vampires are following" said Wyatt. I hop on and he drives me home. I get off. "Be careful. I'll bring you home everyday" said Wyatt. "OK. Thank you why was a vampire following me?" I ask. "No idea. Maybe just hungry" said Wyatt. "OK.... Wyatt promise to not go after them." I say. He nods and drives off. I rush inside and mum looks at me. "Where were you?" asked Mum. "I was talking to a friend." I say. "Oh Carlie said she looked and couldn't find you" said mum. "No she left before me" I say. Mum groans. "Stop lying sweetie. Dinner is ready. Eat." said mum. I begin to eat and then go to my room.

I do my homework and sigh. Mum always believes Carlie over me. I'm used to it. I soon fall asleep. 

I hate that my mum believes Carlie ALL THE TIME!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Lorna xx

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