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I wake up and they've finally let us go to school. I am so happy. I go find an outfit. It's all black. I go down and have cereal. I then head outside to wait for Wyatt who is already there. I smile at him and we get to school. We walk inside and everyone looks at us. I roll my eyes and we go to our locker. I smile at Wyatt and he kisses me. Carlie walks inside and smiles at me. "Charles is really nice. I can see myself falling in love with him" said Carlie. "That's nice, Carlie" I said, smiling. "I'm still gonna stay with him can you lie to mum and dad?" asked Carlie. "Of course. Your mates." I said, smiling. 

Wyatt  takes my hand. "So class?" asked Wyatt. "Yup" I said. We go to class and find seats. I lean on my hand and sigh. Wyatt smirks and pokes my side. I giggle. Addison glances back at us. I smile and she smiles back. The teacher walks in and looks around. "So how are you all?" asked Mr Hudson. We say fine. He begins the English lesson. 

At lunch me and Wyatt go to the courtyard to chill together. As we eat he takes my hand. "So a date tonight?" asked Wyatt. I smirk. "Ummm I'm busy... just kidding.... yes" I said, smiling. He kisses me and I kiss back. "Oi! No kissing!" said Carlie. We jump and flip her off. "Your just jealous your boyfriend isn't here" I said, laughing. Carlie flicks my nose and walks away. 

Wyatt kisses my forehead. "Everything will work out no matter what" said Wyatt. "I hope so" I said.

After school I rush home to change outfit. 

I slide on a play suit and black heels

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I slide on a play suit and black heels. I leave my hair natural and light make up. I go outside and Wyatt is there with his car. We drive to this diner and go inside. We sit down and chat. "How are you going to tell your parents about Carlie?" asked Wyatt. "No idea. I'll tell them she is with friends for now." I said. Wyatt nods and we order burgers and chips. 

We then go to the park and walk around. He drops me home at 9pm.  I go inside and get my pyjama's on. I go downstairs and mum glances at me. "Where is Carlie?" asked mum. "Staying with some friends, they were doing their projects and she decided to stay" I said. "OK. Well night" said mum. I nod and go to my room. I sit on my bed and do my homework. I hear my phone ding.

From Wyatt

How's your night?

To Wyatt

Average.... lied to mum and dad about Carlie :)

From Wyatt

What did they say?

To Wyatt

OK. That's all they said. Which was weird but I guess they believed me x

From Wyatt

Nice. Pick ya up at 8?

To  Wyatt

Yup! Great! 

I fall asleep at 2 in the morning. 

Hopefully I'm not too tired in the morning!

Well I'm back from Wexford so here is my first chapter after my holiday! I really needed a break from writing I think because I have this whole book planned out for now! So watch this space! 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Lorna xx

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